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No one's POV:

*3 weeks pass*

One morning the Wednesday wakes up to her mother calling her from down stairs. She wakes up the girl buried in her chest my kissing her forehead till one of her eyes lightly open.

"Mm 5 more minutes.." the cotton-candy haired girl mumbles while snuggling deeper into the goth girls chest. "My love, we must get up now.. Mother is calling us" Wednesday wraps her arm around Enid's neck while using her free hand to lift her chin. The blonde's eyes slowly start to open and look into the black haired girls eyes. They look at each other with loving eyes, after a few seconds pass Enid breaks the silence by closing her eyes and sucking in a deep breath. Once she reopens her eyes Wednesday is still looking at her so she moves her head closer and kisses the girls nose.
Her reaction was scrunching her nose in a disgusted way but she didn't totally hate it.

"Awww Wednesday!! You look so cuteeeee!" Enid squealed

"You drive me crazy Sinclair" Wednesday said in a defeated tone. Enid kisses Wednesday and sits up "Okay now let's go before your mom thinks we're doing something else other than sleeping" this makes the goth girl blush while following her lover to the bathroom.

They take a shower separately, one of the girls at the mirror and one in the shower.

"Wednesday, *KNOCK KNOCK* I called you almost 30 minutes ago is everything okay my little storm cloud?" Enid is currently in the shower as she grabs the curtains and popping her head out to look at Wednesday who is braiding her hair. "Yes mother, everything is fine we will be down shortly"

Enid sighs out of relief tending to her shower once again "Hey wens I really love staying with you, thanks for everything!" Wednesday stares for a minute before responding "No need to thank me Enid, you will always be welcomed into my home"

After a few more minutes Enid was done, she grabs the towel having a feeling to cover herself from her lover "Enid I have already seen you nude why cover yourself now?" The blonde doesn't know what to say "Uhm.. I. NEED TO DRY OFF! Yeah! That!"

Wednesday is very intelligent, no way she would believe Enid's lie but of course if her lover was not yet ready to say the answer she will not force her. "Okay amor come to me when you are ready" the shorter girl said in a soft voice with a slight sigh at the end. Enid gets dressed, puts on makeup, kisses Wednesdays cheek leaving a kiss mark, 5 more minutes pass because she kisses Wednesday all over her face which caused Enid to take pictures, and lastly she slips her socks and shoes on knowing her lover might want to go for a walk.

The pair make there way downstairs ready to hear the news of Morticia, as they make there way to the "living room" (which looks more like a torture room) Wednesday sees her mother fixing some black roses in a black vase. "Mother you have summoned Enid and I, what is it you need." The tall woman turns around with a smile on her face "Ah, Wednesday I would just like to inform you and Enid, you both will be returning to Nevermore at 5 pm today since they have found a replacement for your late principal, weems."

After this was stated Morticia's expression had changed from joyful and happy to sorrowful and sadness, Mrs. Addams had been hiding a secret through all these years. She loved Weems before she met Gomez but she never fully expressed her feelings, she became popular in Nevermore and was soon hated by a lot of people including Weems from the day she joined the fencing team till she graduated she pushed away her feelings for her best friend.

Wednesday noticed her mother spacing out "Mother I do not understand why this topic seems to bother you" Morticia shakes away her thoughts pushing them back into the deep dark places of her heart. "This doesn't bother me Wednesday, I just wanted to inform you" She quickly puts a fake smile but she knows Wednesday already saw right through her.

The two are about to make there way back upstairs but the goth girls mother stops her "Wednesday, I love how you are using Enid's lipstick as a way to show you are unavailable to other mortal souls." This makes Wednesdays face heat up, remembering the events that took place before Enid and her had left the room she forgot to wipe off all the lipstick stained kisses off of her face. She nodded and walked quickly up the stairs to her room where her lover was sitting on the bed looking at all her camera roll.

"Enid why didn't you inform me I had your lipstick still all over my face" The taller girl bursts into laughter and walks over to the shorter girl "I like to let your mom know I love you very much!" And with that Enid picks up Wednesday and jumps on the bed with her in her arms. The blonde starts giggling as the black haired girl is laying there with a straight face "Not funny Enid"

They lay for a few minutes, thinking and talking about the future and what they will do when they graduate. After there little chat, Wednesday gets up and starts packing. "WEDNESDAY OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT ABOUT MY CLOTHESSSS I DONT HAVE ANY" this causes Wednesdays eyes to go wide completely forgetting about the incident with all her burnt clothes. "Once we get back to Nevermore we will go to Jericho, and we may buy the clothes you most desire."

This makes Enid's face light up "Thanks for everything wens! I really appreciate it"

*2 hours later*

Wednesday is packed, Enid has gotten all her stuffed animals together, and thing has his nails done which means everything is set and ready to go. They make there way to the car and once they are inside Lurch starts to drive, Enid looks out the window to see Wednesdays parents starting at the top of the staircase out side of the door waving them farewell.

Soon after they make it to the airport where there vehicle was put to place and made there way to the Jet. "Hey wens do you think I can sleep because last night we did some stuff and I'm still really really sore and tired an-" she was cut off by Wednesday "Yes yes, QI understand you never should have asked maybe just informed and instead so I can sleep with you as well"

These words make Enid very excited, the four enter the jet. They all get settled and the jet takes off.

*few hours pass*

They arrive at the airport in Jericho and drive to nevermore where they are not welcomed by a new principal greeting everyone, they quickly make there way to their dorm and set everything up like it was before. Luckily they while everyone was gone the school repaired all the damage done "YES! I have my side of the room all good also wens can we go around the school I wanna see all my friends and maybe to see the new changes" All Enid gets is a hum in response meaning yes.

The girls make there way back down to the quad, where they see someone who they both dislike...

Authors Note:
HEY FRENSSSSS! This is going to have a part two it's kind of like a to be continued thing DONT WORRY I already started on the second part which will be coming VERY VERY SOON! 

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