Second kiss (the car ride)

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No one's POV:

Wednesday Addams has only kissed one person in her whole 15 years of living. Her first kiss was Tyler Galpin and he ended up being the one she was chasing (literally was trying to find the monster killing all these people and it ended up being him). Usually she would think to herself that she would end up with a serial killer, alone or something near that level but Tyler was just another story. Today she has had her first real kiss, no visions, no regrets, and most especially no need to be afraid of her possible love interest becoming just like the Tyler incident. This person she found a liking in was no other than her joyful, happy, and sweet roommate, Enid Sinclair.

Wednesday would never think that her love interest would be such a colorful person but the last thing she would expect is Lurch putting Enid's luggage's in the back of there families car. "Hey.. um Wens.. thanks for letting me stay with you." Wednesday is brought back to reality when Enid spoke, all the shorter girl could do was nod and motion to get into the car. "Mother, father, This is Enid Sinclair she is my fri- fri-" the goth girl chocked on the word friend. So she gave Enid another description "Enid is my girlfriend." The taller girls eyes widened as she slowly looked at Wednesday with the look that told Wednesday "What- the actual fuck-."

Wednesday Addams POV:

I never expected those words to leave my mouth but Enid is giving me a stare showing that I have actually made a horrible mistake. My gaze turns to my parents, my father has a tear falling from his right eye and my mother smiling widely. "Oh my, Wednesday how come you never disclosed this information to us? We are so happy for you and as for you Enid, please feel welcome to coming over with Wednesday anytime! you will be always welcome."

I can feel the feeling of my heart dropping into my stomach again. It feels like hell and no not the good hell, this ticklish feeling still lingers in my stomach as I feel my phone vibrate next to me. It was Enid... I felt as though I have committed the worst crime in history. I tap on the message it reads "WHAT WAS THAT WEDNESDAY?! YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE GOING TO SAY THAT! NEXT TIME BEFORE YOU GO TELLING YOUR PARENTS YOU ARE DATING ME PLEASE GIVE A WARNING!"

I can feel my heart pounding against my chest threatening to break through the layers of skin on my chest. I look over to a very sad looking Enid, I decided to respond "Enid I am deeply sorry for putting you on this uncomfortable situation, I never even thought of mentioning anything but of course the words refused to stay in my mouth for they have been lingering there for over 5 minutes now." Enid's phone vibrates and she open the text looking at me with a little smile on the side of her lips and she replies with "Okay wens but please next time tell me before you announce to your parent I am your lover😉"

I can feel the atmosphere around me is starting to warm as if the sun was shining through widows instantly hitting my pale skin. Do I have a fever? I put my hand on my forehead, but it seems like my temperature is still neutral. I turn off my phone and turn to Enid who is being bombarded "Enid we will be at the airport in 30-40 minutes, by the information that you have given me you do not have any extra pairs of clothes is that correct?"
Enid turns to meet my eyes as she speaks "Yes Wednesday I don't have any more clothes but I'm sure you guys live near somewhere I may get new clothes right?"

My mother cuts me off before I begin to even speak "Oh my dearest apologies Enid, we do not have a store near us but... there is a town that may have what you are looking for." Enid's jaws drop to the information "Wednesday look at your phone" I quickly grab the gadget to see a notification that says *Enid Sinclair is typing...* not even two seconds later a message pops up from the top of the screen

No one's POV:

Enid Sinclair:
WEDNESDAY IM REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY TO ASK THIS... but can I just borrow one pair of clothes for today so I can go to the town tomorrow?


Enid Sinclair:

*5 mins pass as they have finally come to the conclusion that Enid will borrow one pair of Wednesdays clothes*

The taller girl seems to be very tired and sleepy so she closes her eyes for a few seconds till she is in a deep sleep. Her neck is bent and her head is moving side to side as they hit multiple bumps, her head falls on Wednesdays shoulder. The shorter girl flinches at the sudden weight of Enid's head on her shoulders, although she wants to push her head off surprisingly she doesn't. Wednesdays parents smile brightly before returning to the conversation with Pugsley.

*10 minutes has passed*

Wednesday trying to stay complete still so she doesn't wake her beloved roommate, but Enid's hand has somehow made its way next to Wednesdays hand slightly touching her pinky. The goth girl feels an urge to grab the blonde's hand but she doesn't have to because they hit any other bump causing Enid's hand to hop and fall onto Wednesdays hands. The shorter girl turns her palm the roof as she intertwines with the taller girls hand, and with that she drifts asleep.

Authors note:
WSG MY FRIENDSSS!! So I know that I only have like 4 people reading these but I really hope you like it! And like I said tell me what you want to see in the future because I will definitely write about it. Also I will continue to update daily. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Have a good day/night/evening/morning!

1032 words

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