Woah... (pt. 2)

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No one's POV:

A few seconds passed. Enid was exploring the room when she notices a letter and her favorite chocolate laying on a small table with a lamp, the color of the lamp light was red which made the she-wolf want to do things to her girlfriend who went to get some water for her because Enid mentioned she was thirsty. Enid was very tempted to grab the chocolate first but she shook her head knowing the letter was more important. She grabbed the letter examining it, it had a wax stamp in the middle that had a "A" Enid knew it stood for "Addams". She opened the note and it read

Dearest Sinclair,

I surely hope this letter will help me express my feelings more appropriately towards you. Recently I have learned a new feeling, this feeling makes me feel like the world is spinning rather fast and makes me want to faint. I get bothered by the feeling but this only happens when I'm near you, it pains me to type this on my typewriter rather than physically telling you in person. but Enid Sinclair, I am afraid I have fallen in love with you. This is me telling you I will never let anything or anyone harm you, for I am an Addams and when an Addams has found someone they put there selves in harms way to get there partners out of it. From now on I want to be with you and only you for my entire life and anything beyond

Yours sincerely

Enid couldn't help but tear up while reading the letter. She turned around and there was Wednesday with a glass of water.

"Wens...I love you."

"Ah I see you found the letter, I love you too Enid."

Enid's tears started rolling down her cheek as she ran into Wednesdays arms. The goth girl struggled while still trying to hold the glass of water without spilling it. Enid lifted her head to look into Wednesdays eyes, just to see if she was lying about anything that was written in that letter. But when she made eye contact she saw Wednesday with loving eyes and she slowly starting closing the gap between them.

The kiss slowly began to heat, but Enid thought in her mind they couldn't have sex because it was almost dinner. She softly pushed the shorter girl away trying to catch her breathe
"Wens... your mom might call us for dinner let's go upstairs and then come back." The goth girl sighs but then nodded.

They entered the elevator and it brought them back up. The two got up just in time because when they stepped both heard Morticia knock on the door as she says in a soft voice "Girls we will be having dinner now please be down in 5 minutes." The girls quickly get out of the closest and got out of the room.

Wednesday pulls a chair signaling for Enid to sit, of course Enid complies as she sits Wednesday pushes the chair forward just a bit and she sits down right next to her. The food was put on large gold plates, the silverware were also gold, and even the napkins were a nice goldfish color. Everyone begins to eat except for Wednesday and Enid. The goth girls mother begins to question why they are not eating.

"Wednesday, Enid, if you guys will not eat I will not force you for I know you have been through hell these past few days. So if you wish you may be dismissed to anywhere you please." Morticia says with a smile on her face.

Wednesday stands "I will be going on a night walk" she announces before walking to the front door a few seconds she hears Enid excuse herself and scurry's to the front door. The cotton candy haired girl looks around not seeing her lover in sight, this makes her panic.

"Wednesday?! Where did you go.?"

Enid starts walking around trying to find any sight of the shorter girl but no luck. She sits on the steps of the front door and decided to pull her phone out of her pocket to text her friends, but as she sent the text it didn't deliver she wonders why but soon she realizes there's no service at the Addams estate Enid sighs as she whispers "shit.. this is where I die" the taller girl looks at the sky which was all gloomy clouds. Suddenly she hears rustling in front of her, she reacts fast by standing up and making her claws known not knowing what would emerge. Little did the she-wolf know it was Wednesday.

"OH MY GOD! Wens please don't scare me like that."

"I apologize cara Mia, I didn't intend to frighten you." The short girl walked up the steps and took Enid's hand, the door opened as they walked back inside and make there way back to Wednesdays room.

"Wednesday, I have a question." The cotton candy haired girl asked with a straight face which signals she was being entirely serious.

"Yes mi amore" since Wednesdays father always calls her mother that when she is upset or when she was very stressed.

"So... you know that bed.. the one *enid points at the closet* yeah there do you think we can go there to watch a movie on my laptop?"

Wednesday let's out a sigh of relief and nods. They make there way in the closet and then the elevator takes them back down to Wednesdays hidden lab/base. The two go to the secret room with the black heart shaped bed as they pick a movie to watch.

"I only watch horror movies" the goth girl says

"Well I don't like horror movies soooo" the taller girl says with a little bit of sarcasm. "But since we are at your house and your secret base I guess I can be so kind and just watch a scary movie with you if you let me cuddle with you!!!!"

The goth girl just nods and makes her way to the bed. She lays down first because Enid claimed she needed water again, 2 minutes  pass and the blonde runs into the room and jumps on the bed but she lands on Wednesday on accident which caused the goth girl to make a groan because Enid had her laptop in her hand when she jumped and the corner or her MacBook had dug a little in the goth girls stomach. Not drawing blood but enough to get a sound from Wednesday.

"OH MY GOD! WENS ARE YOU OKAY?!" Enid exclaimed after moving off the smaller girl.

"I'm fine mi vida" Wednesday replies taking off her black and white jacket leaving her with a thin black t-shirt with sweat pants.

Enid Sinclair's POV:

God Wednesday looks so hot.. but I can't just tell her I'm still in heat, I mean I really was the one pleasuring her last night. Maybe I should just put on the movie before she suspects anything. We ended up watching Scream 4, first it started okay I was only holding Wednesdays arm but sooner or later there was blood and then people dying. As everything progressed, my grip on Wednesdays arm turned into me straddling her lap, burying my face into her chest, and her dragging her hand down and up my back.

We continued to watch the movie, soon we came across a sex scene between two characters. My gosh I really didn't need this right now especially with the position I'm in. I turn my head away from my laptop praying the scene will end soon but to my horror it was 2 minutes long. I don't know if Wednesday noticed I wasn't looking but I felt her hand that was traveling my back go to my outer thigh. I can feel all of my body start to heat up as she starts rubbing her hand nearer to my mid thigh.

I turn my head to look up at her "Wens..." I get cut off by her kissing my forehead.

Wednesday Addams POV:

I'm going to take good care of my girlfriend tonight, I will return the favor she gave me last night with twice as more satisfaction I want her to lose the ability to walk. I wasn't on having any plans tonight but I guess I will very busy.

Authors note:
HEY FRENNNSSS!! So I haven't been updating very sorry but as you know the next chapter will be smut sooooo hope you like this chapter!! Have a good day/morning/evening/night.!

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