27. Edmund

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I sat at the end of the arguing table about my eldest daughter Eleanor marriage.

"She should marry for love!" I argued, "For love? Do you really think that she will marry for love? She is a princess all her love must be into the children we give her for when she is with her husband!" Henry argued with me.

I looked at him with fury in my eyes, "We are safe on the throne, why would they not marry for love?" I argued harder, "Because, Spain still hates us, and the whole country of Europe says my father and I'd reign is illegitimate and call for a York one!"

"Leave us." I said to the council, they left swiftly as they argued, "Henry calm down." "No! We need to secure alliances now!" He threw some books off the table. I stood up and walked towards him, "Henry, might I tell you a story?" He looked at me, but nodded his head.

"Do you remember our little boy, Edmund had been born he was so beautiful having auburn hair and piercing blue eye, I remember falling in love with him." I took a moment, "And then I remember the day he was taken from us." "Helene." Henry started.

"She poisoned him." "She was exiled, and still is." I shamed my head, "No, she came here's on a ship hiding herself in the night and took our son from us, he was perfectly fine at dinner that night, and when saw him put to bed." I argued with him.

He put his head down in defeat, "I felt my stomach go hollow, and everything in me feel empty." I felt tears down my eyes, "I miss him so much." I said to him as I put it simple, "We will have many more kids." Henry told me, we were in our early thirties, "We must pray to God our next child is to live, either boy or girl."

He took my hands into his and looked into my eyes,"Let Eleanor marry for love." I said to him, "I will think on it." He said to me, "I must go see my ladies." I said to him as I curtsied, "Also, Mary has came to me, she is with child." I said to him before I shut the doors.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞|| Spanish PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now