25. Arthur

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He walked in after a moment and stoped, he bowed to me, "My Queen." He said monotoned.

I cocked my head to the side, "No need to be so formal with me son, I am your Lady Mother." I said with a smile, though his face did not change, "What did you need your grace?" He said.

"I wanted to talk about you coming back home." I started, he had been living in Ludlow since he was 10, and I had hated every minute he was away, he barely knew me, his father, nor his siblings, "I will be staying for a while until-" "No I want you to stay, at least till you get married."

I hoped he would listen to me and choose us over his life in Ludlow, "I will see what strings I can play, good day your grace." He bowed and left me without another word to say to me.


I felt empty inside as he left me like his father had done the last time, I felt tears come to my face but I resisted them, I grabbed my religious artifacts and went to the chapel.

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