26. My Heart

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I ran to my room and got on my knees and prayed like I was a slut begging for her virginity back, a mother begging for her son back, a wife wishing her husband would share her bed once more.

"Please god, why do you do this to me, you take away all my kids, and give me none to bare anymore. Please give me another child." My daughter Eleanor walked in, "Mother?" She asked, I groaned at my daughters voice, "What?"

"Are you okay?" "Leave me."I told her, "You didn't answer my question." "I don't have to, leave or I will have the guards throw you out for not listening to my order." I could hear her feet scuffling out of my room.

"Please god give me a child, you can take anything you want just give me a child, one final chance." I said, I felt my head hurt, I stood up wobbly a bit, I needed air so I walked out of my room and into the garden.

I heard the sounds of moaning and grounding I turned towards it and saw Henry taking Mary Boleyn against the tree, I felt my heart drop and with it my body.

-few hours later-

I laid on a bed which I did not recognize as my own, I saw my husband at the foot of it, "Henry?" He turned around and looked at me like I was a dead person coming back to life.

"Helene are you alright?" He came rushing to my side, "I am quite fine, what happened?" I asked him knowing the answer, "Your fasting made you faint. You must stop fasting and eat to help you and the child you are carrying." I looked at him astonished.

"What?" "The physician examined you, you are with child." I felt tears in my eyes, "We must give thanks to gos." I said to him.


A/N: Hey I am going to finish this series and then the other one, but I will be doing all the children of Henry and Helene and when I post the overviews I will put them in a little section on my page for y'all to read them in order.

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