1. Alliance

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I walked through the halls clutching a letter from England, I walked past the people who were stuck in a pose of curtsying or bowing.

I walked past the guards who tried to stop me, and I went through the doors of my fathers study, he was busy talking with some men I did not know.

"How dare you!" I shouted at him, "My lady." The lord's quickly said, "What is it I dare?" My father said exhaustion sounding, "You plan to marry me to the English?!" I accused.

He laid back anxiously fiddling with his fingers and golden rings, "It is not even the heir, but the spare!" I held my arms at my hips, "We need this alliance." My father started to try to reason with me.

"So why not marry my brother to their sister, or daughter?" I said hoping he would change his mind, "No, you are a beautiful French Dauphin-a , they are lucky enough for you to even step into their country."

I folded my arms to my chest, "I would at least like to speak to my betrothed, or even see his portrait." I reasoned, he leaned back, "That could be arranged." My father said maliciously.

"Also, if I were-" "When." My father insisted with his interruption, "When I land into England, I would hope that where I am to stay will be generous."

"You will stay in the Tower of London even of your wedding day, and will then be moved to your husbands chambers

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞|| Spanish PrincessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt