𝐥𝐱𝐱𝐱. apotheosis

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Kinsey and Malia looked at one another, sharing a nod as their eyes both began to glow a cold steel blue, reminding each other of the killers they were. Their previous kills had been a simple accident. This one, this one would be well justified. Their growls sounded, about to jump out on the coyote, and then, the front door swung open, and Stiles stood there, slacked jaw, staring at the three of them while his heart dropped into his pants. Corrine's gun was pointed right at him, and in true Stiles fashion, he had been so caught up in thinking of a plan, he had forgotten that Kinsey had given him one. 

Oh damn, he muttered. In a swift movement, Kinsey tackled the boy, throwing him against the living room wall before Corrine had a chance to shoot him while Malia knocked the gun out of her mother's hand. With the weapon on the floor, the two had it out in a hand-to-hand brawl to the death. I'm sorry, Kinsey apologized as she pulled herself off of the boy before tackling both of the fighting coyotes, all three of them landing on Melissa's glass coffee table.

As the three of them threw each other around the McCall's house, Stiles hid behind the sofa, his head poking out as he watched, wincing at every sound of bodies thudding. "Kinsey." he spoke, shouting at the girl who was trying to fight off a deadly coyote. "Kinsey, you're the one we need to kill The Beast. It's you. Not Parrish." he told her as she landed a blow in Corrine's face.

"Not right now, Stiles." she urged as she ducked from Corrine's fist. 

"Well, can you hurry up and kill the bitch so we can go and kill the bastard?" he asked.

The girl paused momentarily, looking at him with a raised brow, unsure if he was being serious. A fist swung toward her again as Corrine tried to catch her off guard, but Kinsey stooped low, a kick to the woman's legs, knocking her off of her feet. "It's not for lack of trying, Stiles. Trust me." With Kinsey talking, The Desert Wolf kicked her down too, stabbing a shard of glass into Kinsey's leg as she screamed in pain. 

Corrine jumped to her feet, throwing her daughter against the wall effortlessly. Stiles stood up in an attempt to be the hero, leaping over the sofa to attack Corrine, but she grabbed him, tossing him into the pile of glass beside Kinsey. Stiles? her voice croaked as the boy rolled onto his back with a pained groan, looking at the large piece of glass in his shoulder. Malia crawled across the floor, her hand reaching for the gun, but Corrine got there first, she held it up, looking her child in the eye, her lips pulled into a smile as she shot the bullet.

Malia held onto her bleeding shoulder with gritted teeth, slowly moving around the home as the woman followed her. Kinsey winced in pain as she looked at the glass in her leg, feeling her body trying to heal around it. She breathed heavily as she looked to Stiles who was frozen in horror, a shaky hand reaching for the glass in him. Kinsey slapped his hand out of the way, warning him to keep it there. Kinsey ignored her own words as her hand wrapped around her own blade of glass as she ripped it out of her skin with another loud scream of pain. 

Her shaky hand dropped the bloody glass as she pulled herself up, stumbling after Malia and her mother. Corrine continued to shoot bullets at Malia, weakening her more and more until she was sure she would have no fighting chance. "It's not the full moon, Malia. But it's close enough." the woman grinned. Malia begged her to stop, but her plea fell on death ears, another bullet landed in the teenager's stomach. Her back was against the wall as she held onto her stomach, unsure if she could take another bullet.

Malia! Stiles's voice weakly called as she turned to him, tossing her a container of illuminated, blue talons. Corrine's eyes glowed as her claws extended, rushing toward her daughter, ready to take her power back once and for all. She jabbed them into the girl's stomach. "I want my power back," she said through gritted teeth.

INHERITANCE , teen wolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ