Chapter 49 : Sweet and Sour

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"Hey babe. Hope you weren't bored waiting." Jay greeted opening the side door of his car and dropping his duffle bag on the backseat.

"It was peaceful actually, got a jump start to tomorrow's bio lesson." I explained tucking my textbook in my bag.

"How was practice?" I asked when he had settled into the driver's seat and strapped his seatbelt on. School had ended a few hours ago and I stayed back waiting for Jay to finish with practice before we rode home in his car together. We'd developed this habit of picking each other up from places, especially to and from school. During these rides, we had more time for ourselves and enjoyed each other's company. True fact, we just didn't like staying away from each other. I wasn't keen on watching him train today so I sat it out reading instead. Might I add, it was quite productive.

"Quite uneventful, but if you ask me I feel Coach's sorta doubting my skills. Like he doesn't trust me to play because he feels like my injury will act up." Jay solemnly confessed snapping me from out of my thoughts.

"Well if you ask my opinion on this, I'll gladly confess that you're the most dedicated player on his team and even your injury can't hinder you from leading the team to success. Because I know, from observation that setbacks only make my boyfriend stronger, he picks himself up and rises to each occasion. Coach's just worried for your health. He's afraid that you might get hurt again. Trust me, he knows that you're more than capable." I assured knowing his enthusiasm and great potential for the sport. Heck even my dad after watching a replay of his last game was massively impressed. That I tell you was something coming from my Dad, a former player himself.

The worry lines on Jay's face had disappeared while I spoke and he smiled softly up at me instead. Taking a hand from the steering wheel, he reached for my hand and lightly squeezed it.

"Thanks Camilla." He acknowledged, gratitude and love pouring from out of his lips. Gently easing his hand from out of mine, he grabbed the cup of healthy fruit and veggie smoothie I had made for him earlier this morning to help boost his immune system. He sucked through the straw and tried to hide a grimace as it most probably hit his tastebuds.

"How does it taste like?" I asked quietly watching him. He squirmed and I detected an incoming lie.

"It's okay." He managed a smile.

"Great, then I'll make another tomorrow." I played along. He nervously scratched the back of his head and I smiled enjoying his discomfort. I honestly didn't expect the smoothie to taste great because it was just a bunch of unsweetened fruits and veggies rich in vitamins blended together. It couldn't taste too bad either. I thought retrieving the cup from the holder and stirring the mass of green goo with its straw. I thrust it to my lips and took a drag from the straw. The liquid filled my mouth and I grimaced not enjoying its sweet and sour taste. Jay stretched out a fistful of tissues for me to spit it out in I gladly complied.

"There's a bottle of water in the glove compartment. " Jay volunteered and I nodded pulling the compartment open. A mint tin toppled out onto the floor spilling its contents, some crystal-like solids. I stared at the contents of the mint tin for a, going pale each second. It couldn't be what I thought it could be. Jay would never...

Slowly retrieving the tin from the floor I stared up at him.

"The mints poured out." I said quite unsure if it really were mints or drugs.

He gripped the stirring wheel and blood rushed to his face as the car jerked to a stop.

"Are you okay?" I asked worry wretched over my features.

"Yeah, I nearly run over a rodent or something." He waved it away. I sighed in relief knowing he was okay, he just panicked over killing a living thing, even if it was in his way and had no sense of road security.

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