Chapter 40 : Levelled up

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"It was cute though,the way he volunteered to bring you your assignments."Harry beamed.

"It caught me a bit off guard I'd confess.He just jumped at it with the excuse that  he's your study partner and that make believe bullshit.Hence his reason to deliver your homework.Like as if we all didn't know he was damp due to your absence." Rachel added taking a bite of her sandwich.It was the next day and I was back at school.Feeling better from my ordeal.

I smiled to myself remembering the events which unfolded yesterday.I slowly raised my gaze from my lunch tray and my eyes scanned the room for Jay.It finally found a pair of light blue eyes staring  back at me with this startling intensity.His magnetic gaze sent a swarm of butterflies to flutter in my belly and I looked away going crimson.

"Gosh he's looking here,at you Cami."Harry beamed.

" Damn, where's he?"Rachel asked curiously flipping her head backwards.

"Don't stare or he'll know we're talking about him!"Harry cautioned looking up at me and urging Rachel to quit looking behind her,for only her back was to Jay.

"Um, he's moving towards our table,still giving you that eye."Harry barely managed to say as Jay suddenly arrived at our table.

"Um,hey."Jay greeted and stared pointedly at me.Rachel graced me with a wink and Harry looked away, pretending not to have an interest in our conversation.But I knew they both were listening,all ears.

"Thanks for last night.Your family's really great, and sweet."He smiled up at me like he wanted to add something.

"Um,I was just wondering if you were free this weekend... there's this new drama premiere  coming up. Just asking if I'd swing by your house and get you so we could go together. Like I  mean just the two of us.If that's okay with you."Jay droned,his blue eyes twinkling. Harry's hand brushed against mine and she nodded her head,a cue I should speak up.

"Um,yeah."I smiled looking up at him.He smiled a dazzling smile,his eyes resting on mine lovingly.

"Cool."He nodded .

"See you around Parker."He added and with a wave  walked off.

"Byeeee Jaaaake."Harry and Rachel giggled.

"Now that,my sister is one of the many reasons that he likes you.Take a hitch and grab your chance okay."Harry giggled.

"If he kisses you kiss him back hard..."Rachel started.

"God they'll be no kissing."I said biting my lips, ignoring how much I craved to kiss him.

"Yeah,right."Rachel scoffed and we giggled  flitting from one topic to the other.

I pulled into in empty parking slot and parked my car.I was minutes early before my first class could even start.Benefits of a good night's rest.I killed the engine and stepped out of the vehicle,the warm sun kissing my face.I made my way to the entrance of the school sensing something unusually different.Like the atmosphere was a bit tense.
Spotting Harry standing among the throng of students I waved and she beckoned me over.She stood,her arms linked with Fahd's as he exchanged monologue with a freshman.

"You couldn't recognise them from the distance?They had no masks on did they?"Fahd queried as the boy vigorously shook his head.

"You see,I didn't have my lenses on that time,and they fled as soon as I raised the alarm.Probably the security footage might help."The red head said before shrinking away.

"Shit Ridgewood High fellas!"Fahd cursed under his breath.I clearly couldn't miss the way he said it with vengeance ,like he knew they were responsible for many other stuff apart from vandalism?

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