Chapter 2 : Why Me?

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I listened eagerly to  Rachel as she narrated the latest dirt going around the school corridors.

Nicole, some noodle head in one of the senior classes apparently wasn't paying attention to her teacher and ended up causing a major explosion in the chemistry lab which trigged the fire alarm.She also managed to spill a test tube of hydrogen peroxide on herself on that same day.Like who does chemistry practicals with approximately three inch nails?She was lucky Mr Hoff didn't give her an F.

Nicole was a really snobby girl with no respect for school authority.This could be proven by her lack of compliance to  the school dress code.Wearing the shortest skirts and the most revealing tops was her thing.
Rumor even had it that it was one of the reasons  her quarterback boyfriend , Aiden Sanders dumped her along with some other excuses that she was sleeping around with a bunch of other guys.

"Hey ladies,can I jam here for a while?" Fahd asked taking
a pointed look at Harry.

I suggestively wriggled my eyebrow at  Harry, a small smile appearing on her face.Our gossip spree was momentarily paused.

"Sure,you can." I answered for Harry since she deliberately busied herself stirring her tub of yogurt.Playing hard to get, wasn't she?

"Hey Angel."Chad said airily, his soft breath brushing against my cheeks.He slipped in the seat beside me.I grew a light shade of pink because of our  proximity and Rachel rolled her eyes mouthing that the two of her friends were both smitten.
Chad's friend, Eric took the seat next to Rachel starting conversation right away.
Chad was a typical jock in all sense but he was Rachel and I's  friend since middle school when we attended the same karate class so that little friendship we developed back then still lasted. Fahd  and Eric were  on the school basketball team too but Chad and Eric were the friends from the trio.They never hung together with Fahd though,it was just that they sometimes all magically popped up at our table.

"So what stuff are you two lovebirds giggling about?" Eric asked in fascination shifting his gaze from Fahd to Harry,that boy had a way of making every situation awkward.

Harry grew pink as she left the table after having mumbled something about going to the washroom.

"Dude stop eyeing the chick's ass." Eric mumbled. It was unfortunate since we all heard it and went into a complete state of hysterics.

No one missed Fahd checking Harry out but Eric being the loud  mouth he was spilled it out.

Fahd run his fingers through his arabian curls and gave Eric a glare.

"She's my chick.I've got the right to." Fahd retorted stubbornly.

"Dude but not in front of us." Chad responded gleefully.

I cocked my head to the side and watched them in amusement. Listening to their banter was so exciting.They made us laugh so much.

I finished with my lunch and was taking my tray to the bin when Chad offered to do so.I protested and eventually found myself doing it with him and then walking to my next class,literature with him.Luckily, he had literature too.

We sat in groups of eight to discuss our drama topics during literature.Me ,Harriet, Rachel, Fahd and  Chad were in the same group together with Mabel and Eric. Our group was an odd bunch since we needed a last member to make us even.We needed a boy precisely to help achieve that aim.But there were no spares left or anyone who wanted to change a group so we were stuck being seven.

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