Chapter 22 : Picture Perfect

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Benji pushed open my room door and walked in.He had forgotten to knock,a skill non of my family members had ever mastered.
He uninvitedly threw himself on my bed after his grand entrance. I gave him a silent stare before he mouthed that my date was waiting for me downstairs.
I swabbed my eyelashes with some more mascara and dabbed my lips with an extra layer of strawberry lipstick.
With one last coat of eye liner, and a satisfactory glance at myself in the mirror I was good to go.

"Your purse," Benji called handing over my brand new Gucci purse Mum had purchased during one of her fashion tours.
I kissed Benji goodbye after a quick hug and the only thing he could mumble was,"Ew,you'll get you dumb lipstick smeared on my flawless skin."
I ignored his annoying remark and walked out of the room.

"You look.wonderful." Chad complimented when I made my way downstairs.
"Thanks,that makes two of us." I smiled linking my arm in his.
I was ready to have a good time with or without Jay as my date.

We arrived at the ball in good time and Chad held my hand as we walked in directing a few stares our way.
I could feel jaws drop because obviously I had dolled myself up and Chad looked immaculate in his dinner suit with half of his shirt buttons undone.

"You guys seriously make heads turn." Harry gushed engulfing me in a hug.

"He can't seem to take his eyes of you though he's with that." Rachel informed gesturing to a couple which stood near the food stands.
I followed her gaze and met Jay's scrutiny. He stood with his hands shoved in his pocket looking at me with this intensely distant eyes.It was confirmed, Jay was really staring at me.I felt my cheeks light up and turned my attention back to Chad who was talking with Eric.
I couldn't occasionally help but sneak a glance at Jay.He looked stunning in a crisp light blue shirt tucked in dark blue trousers.
"Let's dance." Chad offered leading me to the dancefloor. The gentle music played softly in the background as Chad placed his hands on my waist to draw me close.I obliged by resting my arms on his shoulders as the music slurred in the background.
"You dance beautifully." Chad complimented letting his arms fall from my waist to give him a little twirl.
I responded with a smile telling him he was a good dancer himself.He never missed a step and much to my amusement I felt sad when the song spinned to a different disc.

"Let me grab us something to drink."Chad offered letting go of my hand.
My eyes trailed Chad as he went over to get the refreshments. My gaze got locked with Jay's in the process and he looked at me with a lost expression in his eyes.

" Hi,"I waved.

"Hey."he replied taking a few steps toward me.

" You're beautiful, I mean you look nice."He quickly corrected himself.

"You're not so bad yourself." I laughed.

"Where's your date?" I asked after noticing that Charlene was not with him.

"She had some urgent business to attend to." He answered.

"Hey," Chad greeted Jay wrapping his arm around my waist and drawing me closer,an action which made Jay look out away on the dancefloor.

"Hi." Jay answered as Charlene made her way to our little gathering.

"Here you go." Chad said handing over some punch.

"Thanks." I smiled taking a sip and resting my head on his shoulder.
We stood chatting for some time as I occasionally sipped my punch.Eventually, the punch reacted and I had to go to the washroom.
"I'll be back,just a minute." I told Chad easing out of his grip.
I hastily made my way through the dancing bodies to get to the washroom and back in good time.

"Watch your step darling." A voiced cautioned grabbing me in mid fall.I looked at the offending pair of heels which had tried to trip me and sighed.
Flashing a faint smile to my helper,Troy I gazed up at his scheming date Jessica.
That she_devil had tried make me fall by pulling out her slutty foot on my way.I looked at her menacingly as she gave me an icy stare.
I shifted my gaze to the table beside me and picked up a plastic cup filled with liquid.
Picking it up,I leaned over Jessica dumped the contents of the cup on her.I was really disturbed when I realized that the liquid I dumped on her was water and actually not the punch I was hoping for.

"Argh!" She gasped touching her wet hair in disgust.

"Watch it you cheap slut." She warned.

"It's just water." Troy assured.

"Humph,at least I'm not knockdown like your purse." I said eyeing her so labelled Gucci purse.

"Let's get you cleaned." Troy coaxed gently leading her away.

I gave her purse a once over as a mirthless laugh escaped from my lips.Like as if Gucci's logo was ever engraved with reactive metal.
I looked at Troy and felt bad for him.Jessica was obviously using him to try and get over Jay or whatever her plans were but Troy on the other hand genuinely cared for her and couldn't even see through all her fakeness.

I walked back to Chad suddenly forgetting that I had the urge to go to the washroom.

"You're back already?" He smiled pulling me to the photo setup to take some pictures.

"Can you get closer?" The photographer directed urging Chad and I to take a different pose.
With his hand on my waist and chin resting on my shoulder,it was the perfect pose.
"Wonderful,Magnifique." The photographer smiled taking some few more shots.

"I liked your poses. " Rachel laughed complimenting Chad and I after the photo event.

"I know right?Camilla makes a gorgeous model." Chad breathed in my ear.I buried my face in his chest as he laughed.
I finally picked my head from his chest as Rachel stared at Jay,a winning grin on her face.

"Don't you think so Jake?" Rachel asked smugly.

Jay took a long look at Chad and I before drifting his eyes away like we were an unimpressive sight.

"Sure,whatever." He replied shoving his hands into his pockets with a shrug.

"Let's go Charlene. See you guys later." He announced walking away as Charlene scurried to keep up with him.What on earth was his deal.
Rachel smiled happily giving me a wink.
"He's jealous." She mouthed as I looked at her skeptically.
Jay looked hurt and disgusted .If you asked me I'd say he was sickened by our sight. I didn't know how to pinpoint it to jealousy.But probably he truly was,why couldn't he just bear seeing me with Chad.Did he hate Chad that much?

Author's Note

Hey,hey hey,it's your girl and I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
It's still me,enjoy your day and this chapter.


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