"Oh, yeah. I just felt pretty good today. T-there's nothing special." I replied and I'm already getting tired of this conversation.

"Well, then you should probably start dressing like this more often because it's elevating your look." She went on and while I was getting tired of talking to her, I actually felt flattered by what she said.

"T-thank you."

"Yeah, you're really one of the cuter guys in this school and that's me being totally honest. I mean, if you're straight I'd probably have a crush on you but besides that, I'm hoping that your boyfriend has a good personality if he's not cute. Is he funny?"

"Y-yeah. He has a good personality."

"Oooh, I'm just giggling." She squealed shaking her shoulders as if this unprecedented conversation was a total treat for her. For me, it's bizarre. "I'm sorry about that." She continued She leaned over towards me and then whispered. "I'm a bit of a Fujoshi, you see."


"Fujoshi. It's a Japanese term for women who loves romantic relationship between men."

"Oh? Oh! I-I didn't know about that."

"Well, anyway, I'm hosting a Halloween party this coming weekend and I'm here to personally invite you."

"Invite me?" I was taken aback when she said she's inviting me to a party. I have never been invited to a party by her ever before.

"Yeah, I'm inviting everyone else that I like to invite. I'm throwing the best Halloween party in the city."

"Oh, sure. W-why not." I nodded. I don't necessarily have the plan to go to her party but who knows.

"Alright, I have three cards here." She handed me some printed cards designed with skulls, Jack-o'-lanterns, cobwebs and whatnot. "The address is in the back. You need to show this when you reach the gate so they'd let you in."

"alright. Sure, see you then."

"Yeah, invite your girlfriends, Nikki and Jane. They'd be fun to have to."

"Oh sure."

When the day rolled up to an end, I eventually found myself filled with excitement as I was watching Xavier in their soccer practice. I have been thinking about it the entire day and there's just a few more minutes before we could even be together again.

"I just really can't imagine you being with Xavier." Nikki spat right beside me. It's just the two of us because Jane had to meet her boyfriend somewhere. I know she's happy with what's happening but she's just an honest woman.

"Me neither. I never imagined being with him before but now, I could already see myself with him."

"Have you already confronted him about the bullying thing?" She asked further.

"Yeah, I did a long time ago. He apologized and at first I was skeptical if he was being genuine but since then, he just proved to me that he regrets bullying me."

"That's really fantastic to hear, Jordi. I'm glad that you're bully finally decided to apologize to you because if not, I'd still hunt his ass." Nikki grabbed the napkin roll and began wiping her hand covered with cheese granules. "Also, I know it's toxic but somehow, I'm starting to find it hot that you're dating your bully."

"I'm not dating my bully."

"Yes, you are." She giggled and bump her shoulder on me. "Was the D good?"

"Oh my god, Nikki." Out of the subtle embarrassment, I covered my face with my palm before eventually nodding. We both ended up laughing together.

"So, you did have a swordfight? I wonder who had the sharper sword."

"Hahaha. Stop, Nikki. Fuck, you are crazy. HAHAHAHA!!!"

"Hey, what are you guys laughing at about?" Suddenly, Zach showed up right below us from the bleachers covered in sweat.

"Hey, Zach." Nikki chirped waving at Zach.

"Nothing, we were just telling jokes to each other." I quickly stepped in. I know Zach has shown interests in me and I want to end that.

Zach gulped some water and I noticed how Nikki was staring at him. Zach then poured some water on his head before eventually going back to the field.

"Shit, do you like him?" I asked looking intently at Nikki's face.

"Who? Zach?"


"Fuck no. I just found it hot for guys gulping water and their Adam's apple rise and fall. Ugh, why am I even saying that?"

"M-kay." I replied and I'm a bit uncertain about her answer.

"What do you mean m-kay?" Nikki just imitated the way I said m-kay.


"Well, I should be the one asking you that question, girl. Do you like Zach?"


"I know he's been driving you home." Nikki divulged and I have to be honest, I was a bit shocked. Jane and her knew we were hanging out but I was surprised for some unknown reasons. "Does that mean anything?"

"Well, yeah but he's the one who kept on showing up and I was just being a nice person. Zach's a nice guy, I mean, everyone knew that."

"Yeah, I think Zach likes you." Nikki blurted out.

I grabbed the bottle of water and took a long sip. I clearly know Zach has some sort of feelings for me and whatever kind of feeling is that, it shouldn't continue.

"Fuck." I cursed inside my head.

"Oh, shit! Then what about him?" Nikki asked her voice was loud as fuck. "What about Zach. He's been like your biggest crush ever since."

"Keep it down, Nikki." I scowled at her.

"Sorry." She hunched her shoulder before looking at me like she's hiding from something. "Don't tell me you're trying to hit two birds with one stone? That's some Casanova bullshit right there."

"What, hell no! I like Xavier, okay? I want him better than a golden boy. Zach's a nice guy but I just don't feel anything for him. Yes, it was true that I have a huge crush on him and I still do now but that's just about it, honestly. I'm not looking forward to dating him or sucking his dick."

When the soccer practice ended, Nikki had already walked home while I was left waiting outside the school. Xavier and I have been texting and we had both agreed to meet after the match. The whole soccer team showed up and I had to quickly hide until they were gone.

After a few minutes, Xavier finally showed up and I was filled with rainbows and butterflies.

"I really missed you so fucking much." Xavier muttered and this time, we were walking close by each other's side. I could feel the skin of his arm touching mine and I'm just really riled up with a jolt of electricity.

"But you saw me at school." I replied. "And I watched you guy practice; you were awesome with the ball by the way."

"Yeah but I just really wanted to hang out with you. The truth is, I'm not ready to be out just yet. Especially when I'm still friends with Darren and Nixon."

"It's okay, Xavier. I understand."

Xavier walked me home and it was fun times for the two of us. We were sharing funny stories and his personality was really shining that I just want to kiss him. There's a new side of Xavier that's just been there the whole time. He was really funny and I just can't believe it took me forever to finally get to know that side of him.

"Hold on, that car's familiar." Xavier paused the moment we were walking close to my house. I saw the car and it was very familiar too.

"That's Zacheus' car." I muttered and I was already cloaked with panic. What is he doing in front of our house?

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