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Wait. Why is it so dark?. What happened!?. Why cant i see anything!?

I cant see anything. My eyes are blindfolded. I can make out that im tied on a chair right now. My head feels like crazy.

I cant remember what happened. I was just infront of my car minutes ago.

Its my fault for not being more alert even after knowing im in the enemy's territory.

My thoughts were cut off as my ears perked up by the footsteps that are nearing me. The footsteps stopped right in front of me.

The aura radiating from the person infront of me was strong and dark. It screams dominance,but its also awfully familiar. I cant pinpoint it.

My thoughts were cut of by a deep dark voice. "Leave.", it was a single word. But just from that, i can hear footsteps of more than twenty people getting farther away.

But that was not the thing that mattered now. Its the voice. I know it. Im sure of it and i can feel something.

"Done analyzing, Ryson?". His deep manly voice entered through my ears like a gentle breeze, but it felt rougher.

"Who are you?". I ask. I just want to know who this is. I dont care about how he knows my code name."Oh, you wouldn't want to know, ryson"
He said.

"Who the fuck are you!?", i yelled. The only thing that i lack the most is patience. Even though i am mostly calm, it doesnt mean i have Patience on stock.

The answer to my question was a dark chuckle. Thats all i got before his palm fisted my hair. He maintained a tight grip on my hair as he pulled it back making me face upwards with a groan.

I cant see anything, but i know his face is just inches away from mine by the steady breaths hitting my cheeks.

"Dont.touch.my.hair. you bitch!", i spat out. The thing i hate the most is someone touching my hair.

He chuckled darkly as his hold on my hair tightned."As feisty as ever, ryson. But you have got some nerves cursing me when you are held captive by me."
He whispered near my ear, sending shivers down my spines.

"Just what do you want!?", i asked as i am running out of patience.

"What i want? Now thats a good question, ryson", he said. I can feel him getting much closer. "I. Want. Your. Child. To die by my hand.". He continued with his husky voice. My eyes widened at even the thought of it.

"Dont you dare lay a hand on him! I Swear To The Fucking God That if Anything happens to him, you'll see hell!", I yell.

Im sure he can take my child away from me easily. Im not stupid to not know that he is powerfull. Powerfull enough to rival me.

His laugh echoed around me. "And you think I listen to you?". I cant let him take my child.

"Who. Are. You.? And why do you want my son's life?!", I ask. Just why. I have hidden my child away from the darkness that surrounds me for all these years. I've tried my best to take every ounce of darkness into me, not letting even a small of it fall on my son. But yet this man in front of me managed to find out about him.

"Since you want to know who i am. I will grant your wish.", I could feel his hands getting closer to the back of my head. He untied the blindfold ever so slowly as he played with my patience.

The black cloth which was tied around my eyes rolled down. I opened my eyes slowly only to be attack by sharp pain. My eyes were not accustomed to light yet as they were in the dark for a long while now.

But when my vision cleared out. I was met with the biggest shock of my life.

Its him!

My eyes welled up in tears, "A-Ace. Is that really you?", I cant believe my eyes. Its him! Ace. My... My husband.

"So you remember me.", he said with sarcasm written all over his face.

"What do you mean", he is not the same person as before. I can see it in his eyes. Its.. it's almost lifeless.

He look dead into my eyes, his deadly glare tearing my soul. "I didnt expect a slut like you to remember me.", his voice is dark, it contains a deadly aura in it.

This is the first time he'd cursed me. He called me a slut for who knows what. He has tortured to death infront of his family, and burned that man's house together with his whole family just because that man called me a bitch. But now, he is calling me slut without any emotion in his eyes.

"Just what the hell happened to you!? Why are you behaving like this?", i ask. My eyes burning with tears filling them. Little much of a emotion passed through his eyes but disappeared before i could know what it is.

"What happened to me? Oh i dont think a cheater like you deserves to know that after having a child with that bastard.", who is he talking about?,"I have done the biggest mistake of my life by loving you. But now, i will make your life hell, ryson. By taking the only thing that you love away from you. Your child away from you", he said before snaping his fingers.

A guard came inside with towel in hot water. Ace took the towel in his hands as he wiped the palm that fisted my hair.

I know he is a clean freak but that had never applied with me. But now is not the time to think about it.

"No, Wait!!", i shouted as i see him starting to walk away. But he didnt stop. "No no no, wait!! Please... He is your son!", I screamed out, struggling to get free from the rope binding me down.

He stilled. Please just believe me.

"Ace... He is our son. Dont do anything that you will regret.", i warned with tears burning the back of my eyes.

"Stop lying to me ,ryson. I know the truth and that is, he is a bastard's son who fucked my slutty wife.", saying this, he walked away into the dark, disappearing from my eyes.

My body gave out. I couldn't believe it.. a single tear dropped from my eyes at the thought of Rowoon getting hurt by the hands of his own father.

He is getting manipulated, im sure of it. Someone's feeding him lies. Someone who is close to him. He would never believe these things if he didnt saw any proof.

I have to find out who. But firstly, i need leave this place. I thought as i got myself free from the ropes that tied my hands with the chair.

Its been five years. No wonder he forgot nothing can put me in a place for long.


So the name ryson is taken from one of my favorite book.

Im really sorry if i disappointed you with the male lead by not using a idol.
Its cuz no one was matching the male leads vibe and also the male lead is a italian so i thought of not adding a korean.

Im really, really sorry about that.

LOVE . . .     (ʙᴀɴɢᴩɪɴᴋ ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ꜱᴛᴇᴩꜱɪʙʟɪɴɢꜱ ꜰꜰ)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu