"It was the White Witch. She's the one who makes it always winter, always cold." He said crying"She gave orders. If any of us ever find a human wandering in the woods, we're supposed to turn it over to her."

"But, Mr. Tumnus, you wouldn't. I thought you were my friend." Lucy said. Mr, tumnus looks at them in sadness, Percy understood that the witch had cursed the land and forced innocent people to do this. But Mr. Tumnus surprised her as well. He grabs his scarf.

" Come we must go we have to get you back to the War drobe," He said. Percy nods and carries lucy in her arms as she held Mr. Tumnus's hand as they run in the dark. "Now. She may already know you're here. The woods are full of her spies. Even some of the trees are on her side."

They soon arrived at the lampost again " Can you find your way back from here?" "Of course, I see it, " Percy said "will you be all right? " He sadly chuckled and wipes his tears

"Hey, hey, hey." Percy said "You a brave faun and I have met many like you. Don't cry Mr. Tumnus.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said "Here." He offered lucy her hankey back but she refused

"Keep it. You need it more than I do." She said

"No matter what happens, Lucy Pevensie and Percy Jackson, I am glad to have met you. You've made me feel warmer than I've felt in a hundred years." He said "Now go. Go!"

Percy nods and quickly rushed Lucy and her back to the wardrobe and they came out. Back to the spare room in the house. Percy noticed it was still raining and peter had not finished his counting

"Ready or not, here I come!" She heard him shout as Lucy got off her arm and run off. " Lucy wait," Percy said

"It's all right! I'm back! I'm all right!" Lucy said to Edmund who was hiding. Percy came running after her

"Shut up! He's coming!" Edmund said but it was too late. Peter came and found all three

"You know, I'm not sure you three have quite got the idea of this game," Peter said teasing them, especially percy. She rolled her eyes at his remark

"Weren't you wondering where I and Percy was?" Lucy said

"That's the point. That was why he was seeking you." Edmund said

"Does this mean I win?" Susan said coming to them "I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore." Peter said

"I've been gone for hours," Lucy said before percy could say anything Lucy told them about narina and the meeting of Mr. Tumnus. she showed them the wardrobe and Susan checked to feel only the wood of the wardrobe in the back. Percy didn't feel the magic from earlier, she noticed it vanished after she and Lucy left Narnia.

"Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe," Susan said

"One game at a time, Lu. We don't all have your imagination." Peter said as the sibling leave the room.

"But I wasn't imagining! I was there Even Percy" She said

"That's enough, Lucy," Susan said

"I wouldn't lie about this!" Lucy said " Tell them percy"

"Well, I believe you," Edmund said

"You do?"

" Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you about the field in the cupboards?"

"Will you just stop?" Peter said "You just have to make everything worse, don't you?

"It was just a joke! "

"When are you gonna learn to grow up?"

"Shut up! You think you're Dad, but you're not!"

" Boys please enough!" Percy said. Edmund looked at peter again before running off

"Well, that was nicely handled," Susan said before following

"But... it was there."

"Susan's right, Lucy. That's enough." Peter said. This makes Lucy get upset and runs off.

" LUCY!" Percy called out to her. Peter sighed and turned to Percy " I am sorry about her....she has a wild imagination. "

" She is a kid Peter, but how can she imagine a place in one second? most kids take up to hrs to tell about their imaginations. " Percy said looking at him " And you know Lucy better than anyone, she is your sister. Has she ever Lied?"

She closes the cupboard door and goes to find Lucy who is in her room crying. She shut the door, took off her jacket, and goes to Lucy.

" Hey sweetie, don't cry. Ignore Edmund, he is just a silly little boy" She said making Lucy sit up and wiping Lucy's tears.

" was it a dream? my imagination?' she asked Percy " it is isn't it."

Percy sighed and smiled. She takes out her pen and twirled it.

" well if was a dream, remember what this pen did?"

" it turned into your sword, right?" she said. Percy smiled and uncaps the pen as it transformed into Riptide. Lucy's eyes widen in joy and excitement. They were really in Narnia earlier.

" Then why we weren't able to go back ?" she asked " well it is a doorway, all doors close and open at a certain time. You just need to know when it opens again "

" Then we can see Mr. Tumnus again ?" she asked. Percy didn't want Lucy in danger of the witch finding them but she knows she wants to see their faun friend again.

" Sure when the door opens, we go visit him but you stay close ok?" Lucy nods and hugs her. She then noticed the roman tattoo on Percy's Arm and remembers what percy said, faun friends.

" Percy where did get this tattoo? Also earlier you said he is a saytr which is a faun, how ?" She asked curiously. Percy sighed and motioned Lucy to let her sit next to her on the bed.

"it is a long story of my life, a story not many people know of, but you must promise not to tell anyone. I can only tell" she said

" I pinky promise," she said sticking out her pinkie which made percy chuckle and locked the pinkies together.

" I have a friend who is also a faun but he is what I was told. A saytr, his name is Grover and he was my very first friend. you see this trident on my arm. it symbolizes a god in both roman and greek. Posiden"

"Why do you have it tattooed on your arm? "

" well it was necessary for the Romans to be tattooed, cause he is my dad"

" huh? what, your dad."

Percy winked and levitates the water from the glass on the bedside table making it a horse running in the air. Lucy watches in amazement as the water horse runs around before leaping back into the glass.

" My dad, Posiden, the Greek god of the sea. Percy Jackon , First demigodess of Posiden" she said

"WOAH! So greek gods are real? all of them? I learn little during school!" Lucy said as percy hushed it.

"It's a secret, Lucy. You can't tell anyone. I am telling you cause I trust you and that you were never imagining things. we were really in narina." She said. This made Lucy smile more

" So what is it like being a demigod?" she asked, " do you have any great stories of your adventures?"

" I don't know kid even though I was 10 when I first went questing. some parts are not for kids" she said. But Lucy pulled out huge puppy eyes. Percy looked at them and sighed

" Ok ok. But if this gives you nightmare, you can sleep here." she said 'So glad me and gang were blessed with dreamless sleep'

"Ok....we can do a sleepover," Lucy said making percy chuckle as they sit closer "Ok mmm which story to start....well the beginning is good as nothing. Let me tell you about my first adventure when I was 10. A quest to find the lightning bolt of Zeus"

Percy Jackson: The Lion, the Witch and The wardrobeWhere stories live. Discover now