The Wardrobe and Meeting Mr. Tummus

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they slowly walked into the forest. It was like a winter wonderland as snow fell from the sky. It was raining outside, but it was snowing. This made percy speechless, and she saw everything strange.

They still see the wardrobe as they look back. Percy understood that the wardrobe took her and Lucy to another world.

" Stay close," she said to Lucy as they held hands. She made sure to smile as lucy looked at her and looked around the forest. She made sure to smile as lucy looked at her and looked around the forest. Something of this place feels warm and welcome, but something dark is taken over.

'Should have worn something warmer,' She said as her feet got cold. She reminded herself to wear warmer jeans next time, but her thought process went blank as she and Lucy saw a lamppost in the middle of the woods.

" A lamppost?" she said as they looked at each other. Lucy went to touch it. Till they heard rustling and hoofbeats.

Percy's Battle reflex activated and immediately pushed Lucy behind her. She immediately takes out a pen which makes Lucy curious, but it turns into shock as her pen turns into the sword from earlier. Riptide.

" how.." "shh, lucy, quiet." They don't know what is coming.  Percy knew she needed to tell lucy soon, but in the woods, in a wardrobe, she had to keep lucy safe.

Till a Saytr came holding an umbrella and some packages. Lucy and the saytr stopped each other and screamed. Percy immediately turned and was surprised to see a satyr here. the saytr hid first behind his umbrella and a tree.

"It's a saytr?" she mumbled, slowly keeping her sword down and capping it. Lucy looked at percy, who patted her head. " it's fine. It's a saytr also known as fauns. they are nice." Lucy sees the saytr peeking out. Percy slowly walks and picks up the parcels he drops.

" I am sorry we scared you. " she said " My friend here never see a saytr before" She gave him the parcel back.

" I am a faun," he said 

" oh sorry," Percy said 'Not roman but something else .' Lucy comes out of hiding as she watches him pick up his parcels.

" And what about you? You must be some beardless dwarfs?" he said, making Percy chuckle.

"We are not a dwarf. We are girls!" Lucy said " I am the tallest in my class"

This made the faun look at them in both amazement and surprise. "You mean to say that you're a Daughter of Eve? Both of you?"

'Eve? as Adam and eve..... Christian' Percy thought as Lucy spoke to him. 

" My mum's name is Helen"

" Yes, but you are a human. Both of you"

Yes, of course." Percy said which amazed the faun "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was hiding in the wardrobe in the spare room with Percy, and..." Lucy said 

"Spare Oom? Is that in Narnia?"

"Narnia? What's that?" Percy asked

"Well, dear girl, you're in it. Everything from the lamppost all the way to Castle Cair Paravel on the Eastern Ocean, every stick and stone you see, every icicle is Narnia." The faun said as they saw more of the landscape. 

" A world in a wardrobe? this is not the weird this but yet the most magical I have ever seen" Percy said looking amazed. 

"war Drobe? I'm sorry." The faun "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tumnus."

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Tumnus. I'm Lucy Pevensie." She offers a hand to shake but he looks at it curiously"Oh, you shake it."

" Uh... Why?" He asked 

"I... I don't know. People do it when they meet each other" Lucy said making Percy chuckle at her adorableness.

"It's a form of greeting Mr tumnus. I am Percy Jackson" she said gently. tumnus reminded her of her friend Grover, she missed him after he became Pan. He funnily shakes lucy's hand making both the girls smile.

" Well, then, Lucy Pevensie and Percy Jackson from the shining city of War Drobe in the wondrous land of Spare Oom, how would it be if you came and had tea with me?" He said 

Percy felt something was wrong. Like he is doing something wrong but he doesn't want to. 

"Well, thank you very much, but we probably should be getting back." 

"It's only just around the corner. And there'll be a glorious fire with toast and tea and cakes. And, perhaps, we'll even break into the sardines.

"I don't know," Lucy said 

"Come on. It's not every day that I get to make a new friend or two." Mr. Tumnus said. Lucy looked at Percy who think carefully. this will help her understand this world more and they know the way back if there is a danger. she also wants to get to know Mr. Tummus who seems like a very nice faun.

"Well, I suppose we could come for a little while," Percy said carrying a parcel of his.

"If you have sardines." Lucy holds Mr. tumnus's arm and holds Percy's free hand as they both huddle under her umbrella.

"By the bucket load." He said taking the girls to his home.

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