A deadly day Pt1

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Y/n:Where is she?

Wings:Idk, maybe she didn't want to come.

Y/n:She looked very happy to chat with me, I don't think she'll bail on me.


Aja:Y/n! Sorry I'm late. Krel wanted help on the portal.

Y/n:Oh that's fine. What do you wanna do?

Aja:Well... Is the Manuel, Pollo, and Zeus gonna join us? They are very adorable.

Y/n:Their parents are on a trip to Mexico to visit some relatives, but the triplets are at their aunt's house.

Aja:Awww, they are very cute! I was hoping to go find some Pitsa?

Y/n:You mean pizza?

Aja:That's what I said.

Y/n:Yeah... But, sure. I heard theirs new exhibits in the museum. Wanna check it out?

Aja:Check it out?

Y/n:Right! Your an Akaradian... It means you wanna go see it.

Aja:Ah! I see the point now.

Y/n:Come on. It's not that far.

We went to the museum~~ they added a new planet exhibit.

Aja:Lively! This is like the galaxy.

Y/n:It shows the planets of our Solar system.

Aja:Glorious!! What are these?

Y/n:Huh? You mean Saturn's rings?

Aja:They have rings. Are they married to someone?

Y/n:No... It might be... Tragic... If you find out.

Aja:Tell me. I can handle it.

I sighed.

Y/n:It's rings are made of Saturn's... Moons...


Y/n:The moons get sucked in and makes the rings-

Aja: ...

Aja:Can we umm... Go call Mary and Darci? It's getting pretty late.

Y/n:Sure. They asked me if you'd like to go on a sleepover with us.

Aja:That is far more better than knowing...

Y/n:Yeah... Let's go.


Mary:Hey Aja! Hey Y/n! Did y'all here?

Y/n:What is it?

Mary:People are assuming Karl is an alien. They think he is to smart to be human.

Aja:Uuuhhhhh... He's just-

Y/n:Not normal! No one is perfect after all! That's probably a gift from God!

Aja:Who is-

Y/n:I will explain.

Mary:Alright... That is true. I was given ✨Beauty✨

Mary:Wait... No one is perfect? Really?


Mary:Girl, your a straight A student, a beauty walking in the streets. And second best athlete in the school!!

Y/n;Let's not talk about that...

Mary:You don't see the point!!??

We went to Darci.

All of a sudden Aja me and Mary got pulled into an alyway.

They knocked out Mary and took us both.

We then got dizzy and everything went... Black...

A Royal Lover(Krel x Reader) Chapter 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ