There's something about Gwen(of Gorbon)

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All of us were at the Mothership. Uncle was telling us he had an ex girlfriend named "Gwendalyn. " A,K,A, Gwen. Bad news has a way of coming to Arcadia and today it is that uncle thinks or knows that Gwen wants to kill him. At least... That's what I heard from Varvatos, he's back teaching me some new skills. Here is what he said Uncle told him.

Stuart:I am telling you that I am in danger!

Varvatos:You look fine to Varvatos.

Stuart:Well, I'm not! My ex-girlfriend wants to "grab a bite." She means me! She wants to eat me!

Varvatos:Or she wants to have dinner with you.

Stuart:Or she means I'm the dinner!

Varvatos:Or dinner with you.

Stuart:Or I'm the dinner!

Varvatos:Or she-

Stuart:Look, we're going in circles here, alright?, I need your help.

Varvatos:If you are so fearful, then why don't you decline her invitation?

And that's all Varvatos vex told me. I think there's more though... But never mind. I was with Krel in the lab fixing the "Daxial Array. "

We heard Steve say they brought the anti-vortex siphon! Finally!

We ran to the front of the house.

Krel:Finally! The Staja comes through!

Luug then ran to Aja.

Aja:Come here boy! Good boy!

Y/n:Where did you even get Luug? It doesn't seem like he's from your planet, did you get him not from Akaradian-5?

Aja:Not exactly, Y/n.

Steve:Luug get off me!

Steve:Oh! The wormhole generator! Hey, any chance you could get that thing up and running by, say, this afternoon? Before Stuey goes kablooey?

Aja:Why? Is Kubritz after you now?

Varvatos:I have been keeping four eyes on Kubritz. She appears to be
"Lying low, " as the humans say. Stuart has a worse stalker, his ex-girlfriend.

Suddenly a tall strong looking woman creature was at the window.

Aja:Hello there.



Stuart:No, you don't understand!.

Uncle then shut the blinds.

Y/n:She looks and acts friendly... A little bit...

Stuart:Gwendolyn of Gorbon is a true monster, okay? Things might've started out good, yeah, sure.

Ah, we were practically kids. Oh, every day was love's newest adventure. I remember on our first anniversary we made a snorfing pot together.

End of flashback~~

Uncle then showed us the pot and then started using it. I was disgusted and fascinated.

Varvatos and Steve were just disgusted. Meanwhile Aja and Krel were feeling very fascinated.

Varvatos:That is ridiculous!

Steve:Ugh! Alien dates are weird. Oof!

Stuart:But I couldn't ignore my four hearts true feelings. I wasn't ready to settle down... I had no choice to break it off... Gently.

Aja:And you never came back?

Stuart:Never. Gorbons have a simple principles... They either mate for life or they devour their ex... I had to escape, so I hightailed it out of Durio and crashed here. Hadn't heard a peep from her since, well, since today.

A Royal Lover(Krel x Reader) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now