She knew...

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Author:So I haven't made it clear to how Y/n figured out there secret again after getting hit with a forgetful ray sooo...

Aja:Oh hello Y/n. I was just looking for my Ali- I mean Dog yes! My dog Luug have you seen him anywhere?

Y/n:Sorry Aja I didn't see him.

Aja:Can you help me find him? Oh never mind.... Luug!

Aja spotted Luug under a bench. It was a Saturday btw

Aja:Sorry for bothering you Y/n Luug here wanted to run away from me. Again!

Y/n:Oh that's fine Aja you wanna get some ice cream? It's a little hot today

Aja:Sure what is Ice cream?

Y/n:Omg. You don't know what ice cream is!? Come on let's get ya some ice cream and for Luug

We went to get some ice cream and Aja loved it

Aja:This is so good! I've never tasted anything like this in Akara- I mean Cantelupia

Y/n:Well I'm glad you like it. It's weird there are no ice cream in cantalupia.

Aja was happy to have a friend like
Y/n she wanted to tell her that she was an alien. Y/n knew once she has the right to know again. But how will Aja tell her?

Aja:Y/n.... Do you believe in.... Aliens?

Y/n went silent for 5 seconds. She knew there was more to high school like trolls.

Y/n:Well.... My uncle said that the universe is huge. And there may be a chance new life's exist. I mean there is a chance they can be here on earth right?

Aja:Yes your right Y/n. There could be other planets out there... Somewhere.

Y/n:Well Eli has been getting a few New life proof. And I can't believe I'm saying this but for once Eli may be right. Besides I would flip out if I talked to an actual New life.

Aja mumbled

Aja:Your talking to one right now.

Aja:So umm how do you feel about my brother Krel?

Y/n turned a little red. She had this weird feeling that Krel and her yung out often


Aja:You fancy my little brother don't you~~

Y/n:What! N-no!... Maybe... *sigh* fine, I do like your brother... Alot actually. He's kind funny sweet smart. And more!

Aja:Well the truth is.... Krel sorta fancy's you to! He likes you alot~~~

Y/n:R-really!!?? Wow I did not expect that!

Aja mumbled

Aja:Wait till my brother hears about this!

Aja:I need to go now Y/n see you soon!

Y/n:Oh okay bye Aja don't tell Krel!

Aja:I didn't hear you wait till my brother find out Y/n bye!!

I went to my house right next to Jim and Toby's house. I went upstairs to continue my astronomy, I love outer space and there may be civilization out there.

I continued my research in my office. It had a lot of pictures of Meteors and Planets and a rock collection filled with rocks that dropped from space to earth. And even new life photos Eli gave me.

This may seem boring but it's not to me. I even made my own inventions using some rocks from my collection. Some of them were crystals.

Few hours later I realized I had to go meet up with Jess in the cafe. Let me tell y'all something. Jess might have a crush on Douxie I think idk.


Btw Krel was in his Akaradian form and Aja turned into her form as soon as she entered Krel's lab.

Aja:Oh little brother~~

Krel:If your here in my lab to bother me go away

Aja:No~~~Maybe it's cuz I saw Y/n today~~

Krel turned to his sister and his face explained everything he wanted to say.

Krel went to his sister and yelled.

Krel:You what!!?? What did you tell her!??

Aja:Oh nothing~~

Krel:I don't believe a word you said!

Aja:*sigh* Fine fine j may have told Y/n you like her more than a friend~~

Krel:And why in Gaylen's name would you do that!??

Aja:Little brother don't be afraid she fancy's you to~~

Varvatos:My royals come here

Aja and Krel ran to the "Normal Looking House".

Aja was smirking st her brother and Krel looked like he saw General Morando appear.

Varvatos:Varvatos vex wanted to tell you that-... What is wrong with the king in waiting? Has he been bullied and been pushed off a cliff!!

Aja:Wait what no! Krel has what the humans call a crush on a girl in school~~

Varvatos:Is this who-man a danger to the king in waiting!?

Krel:What ofcourse not! She's harmless! Well sorta...

Author:He's talking about her abilities btw!

Krel:Well whatever she is perfectly harmless and perfectly sweet....

Aja:Come on little brother tell her name! You can't keep it forever~~

Varvatos:Varvatos vex is waiting. My royal

Krel:Her name is... Y/n Aly Dragon.

Varvatos:Varvatos vex will be right back.

Aja:Wait where are you going?

Varvatos:Varvatos vex must make sure the who-man is not a threat to the king in waiting.

Krel:But I just said she's harmless!

Varvatos:You said she is harmless sorta that is not fully harmless

Aja:Wait Varvatos don't do that!

Varvatos vex didn't listen instead he looked at Krel

Varvatos:Varvatos vex must make sure that you are safe both of you.

Aja:Krel tell him she is not a threat!

Krel:Varvatos Y/n is no threat she helped us you saw that with your own four eyes!

Varvatos:She may be helping us now but she might betray us once she got your full trust!

With that Varvatos vex left and Aja and Krel called Stuart to make sure
Y/n doesn't go outside. But instead

Stuart:I came here just in time!

Krel:What. Are you. Doing here!? Your suppose to make sure Y/n doesn't go outside!

Stuart:Ohh heheh sorry. She sorta left her house and went to meet up with a couple of friends.

Aja:Are you kidding me!? Huh Steve was right that word is good to use.

Krel:Where is she now!!??

Stuart:Probably in the cafe where her friend Douxie works at.

Krel turned red with anger he thought Douxie was in to Y/n Aja and Stuart noticed.

Stuart:Hang on now don't get jelly. Douxie is very close with Y/n's cousin Jessica. Douxie may not be into Y/n but her cousin!

Krel:Fine let's just wait for Varvatos vex.

A Royal Lover(Krel x Reader) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now