Dogfight Days Of Summer

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I was in the mothership. Watching the army of Morandos get ready. I was scared so was Aja Krel Zadra and Varvatos vex.

First Morgana and Bular. And now this!!?? What's next time travel!!??

Author:You know I'm adding you in wizards right?

Krel:Ay. That does not sound good...

Zadra:It appears Morando wasted no time readying his fleech to invade earth!

We only had 16 hours left...

Steve came in asking for... 

Steve:Ugh... Is it a bad time to say we're out of lemonade?

Varvatos: ...


Aja:Steve. We need a mekron to think, can you make sure no one comes inside the mothership? And that includes you... Sorry.

Steve:On it!, I'll keep the savillians at bay! Palchuck out!

Varvatos:Why must the local youths, lounge at our aqua pit!

Krel:Because Mother gave us the only house on the block with a pool.

Zadra:Your majesties, invasion is imminent.

Varvatos:Then we have no choice. Varvatos must alert the Earthen authorities.


Krel:The police!? Are you a soolian!??

Varvatos:We cannot aspire to victory without the aid of the who-mans military support. The police will help he acquire the army we need!!

Zadra:I concur with the traitor.

Aja:Varvatos, you were at Area 49B. You saw what the humans would do to us!

Varvatos:With human lives now at stake, defending the mudball must take priority over our well being. *takes caredor*

Krel:Hey! That one's mine!

Varvatos:Varvatos knows you have been working on a portable method for transduction.

Krel:It was intended to hide our Akaradian forms, not expose them!!

Krel:Hmm. Hey!

Varvatos:Ha! Your concern is noted. But we cannot face Morando without an army!!, and right now, the who-mans are all we have.

Aja:He's right. We need an army. We need to recruit new worriors.

So we summoned Toby and Eli... And went to the disguised house.

Toby:Hey thanks for letting us hang here, guys. This is the most boring summer ever, and-

Aja:So, I've got some good and bad news for you. The bad news is that your planet is about to be invaded by an extraterritorial force.

Eli:What's the good news?

Aja:Your summer is officially no longer boring. Now, enough fishy games. We must train you.

Toby:A real intergalactic army is coming for Earth, and you want-

Eli:Our help?

Aja:You are the accomplished human warriors we know. That includes Y/n and Jess

Krel:And she mean the only human worriors we know.


Krel:Awesome sauce!!

Krel:Ay, ay, ay...

Toby:So cool, so cool, so cool! Wait. Play it cool, pepperjack. Before we agree to enlist, we're gonna need to know if this training is going to involve laser blasters?

Krel:We'll need alot more than serrators if we're going to stand up to the Akaradian fleet.

Toby:We've survived some tough odds before. Imminent death numerous times, the end of Arcadia twice,

Eli:Not to mention the Go-Go sushi Omakase level.

Toby and Eli looked down.

Toby:*laughs* Alien weapons!! How cool is that!!??

Aja:We're talking about a warship full of robot soldiers, people!


Aja:This is not a game!!

Krel:Hmm... But it could be.

Toby and Eli were training and failed... Even failed the easiest ways!!

Krel had a plan. He made a video game connected to the bots in Akaradian-5.

We all download the game and we played it.

Everyone was obsessed with the game but something had happened....

Go-Go sushi 2 got out and everyone started playing something else.

There was one drone left and... Eli was piloting it.

Aja:The fates of Earth and Akaradian-5 both come down to this. The Eli Pepperjack, your our only hope.

Toby:No pressure or anything

Eli:Eli Pepperjack is at your service, Commanders.

The last drone was going well very well I was happy.

Aja:You go this Eli! I have total and complete faith in you.

Krel:Don't take your eyes off the game!

Y/n:Or else bye bye Arcadia and Earth!

And Eli... Succeed! Well sorta...

A Royal Lover(Krel x Reader) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now