Moving Day

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Krel:Not only are we stuck on earth. We are stuck in the middle of a stupid forest!.

Aja:We only need to move the mothership a few blocks then you can fix her then we can go home to Akaradian-5.

Krel signaled Uncle Stuart to one the van. But it didn't work...

Aja:More liquid provelin!

He put all force but that only led the chain to break and hit my boyfriend Krel.

Y/n:Krel are you okay!!??

Krel:I'm fine Y/n but this is klebso!(Bullshit)

Stuart:Yep your gonna need more horse power than my taco truck.

Krel:Ugh every bounty hunter in the galaxy knows where we are!. We're to exposed like this!.

Stuart:Uh well I think of it like camping! It's a summer tradition here on earth.

Krel:Well I have my own tradition it's called fixing the mothership! And it's starting to get old!.

Y/n:I mean it's kinda true uncle... I just found out you guys were Akaradians a few weeks ago who knows how long you guys stayed here.

Krel:More than one Parsons...

Y/n:More than one month!? Jeez we need to get this Dacial Array going.

We went inside and found my new mom Zadra inside trying to contact Akaradian-5. But she was banging on the controllers to hard

Krel:Hey hey hey hey gentle! That's not gonna work!

Zadra:Nothing works in this ship since that blasted Omen threw it. I've been trying to recontact the resistance but mother is!

Mother:*Saying random words I can't tell*

Krel went to the controllers and started trying to fix mother. But something popped up that made Krel angry.

Krel:Ugh why do you keep looking at Vex's log!

Aja:I... Miss him

Krel:Well I don't

Aja:Varvatos saved our lives more than once. You should-

Krel:No, I don't ever want to see that traitor's face again

Y/n:Krel... It's in the past now you seriously can't forgive him?

Krel:Y/n, how would you feel if you know someone who helped or helped the creature who almost killed your parents!.

I went silence... I knew Krel wanted to apologize but he couldn't.

Zadra:Nor do I

Krel:I have to work on the repairs.

Zadra:Excellent. I'll patrol the parimiter you Y/n and your sister stay aboard the vesle.

Y/n:What I don't even live here!

Zadra:Well I sold your old house and using a blank bot and I moved your things in an empty room I found.

Y/n:You what!?

Aja:We also need to see our friends!

Zadra:Friends!? Your human friends can't help protect you I can, you three must stay put.

Y/n:Excuse me. You don't know what is out there. Some "humans" actually protect Arcadia and they actually do a pretty good job!

Zadra:I am your mother and you cannot disobey me!. You never disobey me.

Y/n couldn't say a word. She was a while different person. But Zadra thought she was like her old daughter.


A Royal Lover(Krel x Reader) Chapter 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz