A Deal with the Devil

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I pulled myself together as I watched him pull out the silver tin I had been tasked to retrieve from him. Kaz held it up so I could view it more clearly as he asked me, " Do you know what this is?"

I snarled back," It's a pill bottle."

Kaz shook his head at me," It is more. This item belonged to the Sun Summoner. It's believed to be imbued with her energy and will give the bearer protection."

My eyes narrowed at the absurdity of that and he laughed at my expression. He explained, " Yes you can see it for what it truly is and not for what it means. I concede that it is nothing but an empty container, but that is the beauty of religion and belief. People will pay alot of money to get closer to the saints even if it is just owning something a saint held in their possession for a time."

I interrupted him as I asked," So what does that have to do with me now then? You have it back so you don't need me."

Kaz's eyes narrowed on me again and I watched him warily as he leaned closer to me in his chair," But I do need you and I have proposal to share."

My stomach flipped at his words. I was really nervous. You don't generally win making deals with devils. He was a big player in the Barrel and he could protect me from my own boss. I also knew I wouldn't get the same consideration from my own boss so I nodded at Kaz to continue.

His eyes seemed to spark with admiration for me again and it wasn't something I think I would get used to seeing from him.

" You're a smart girl,you know you will be severely punished if you return empty handed so I want you to decide. Stay and join my Crows or leave and risk the wrath of your own employer."

I hung my head, torn. I had my friends to consider and I wasn't disloyal. Trust and loyalty were the most important currencies in this life even more than gold and jewels. I knew though that while I liked my crew they  couldn't protect me from my fate should my boss decide I wasn't worth the trouble anymore.

I wasn't sure I could really even trust these Crow's but was it better to focus on the devil before me than the unknown fate that awaited me back home. Home that was the rub wasn't it. The Serpents were my friends but they weren't family and the crew never made anywhere feel like home, rather just a place to lay your head each night.

I looked up to Kaz with troubled eyes. His seemed to soften slightly and it startled me.

" Wha..why me? Why do you even want me on your crew? I stole from you for saints sake. How can you trust that I won't betray you again in the future?"

Kaz grinned as he replied," Because I know you value your life and you know what I can do.  So do you want to become one of mine or are you really willing to try your luck with your boss. I know your boss well and he is not the forgiving sort."

I sighed," While you're right about that I'm also not a traitor.  What would I be if I flip sides,turn my back on my friends?"

" You'd be alive for one thing. Any of the others would take my offer in your place.," Kaz smirked as he continued," It's a reasonable offer all things considered. "

" You still hold all the cards Brekker, you're giving me a raw deal and you know it. " I muttered rubbing the scar on my arm.

Kaz glanced down to inspect my arm, a brow rose but he didn't comment. Instead he said," The deal is the deal. Take what I'm offering and be grateful I'm even considering this.  Inej wanted me to slit your throat and I was inclined to agree. You have Jesper to thank for this current proposal.  The man's going soft." Kaz growled the last and stood up from his seat.

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