A Deal with the Devil

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I had been locked in a small windowless room only big enough for a small cot and a wicker chair.

Kaz that managed to retrieve his trinket and to my frustration he had confiscated my dagger too.

I guess I should be relieved he hadn't just killed me outright but this attempt at hospitality was laughable.

What was the point in it if I was going to be tortured for information later on. Or maybe this was part of their attempt to soften me up.

Show me some kindness and rip it away in the next moments.

I'll admit it had been nice to lay on the soft bed and the dinner I was brought had been satisfying.

Sitting in this oppressive silence was awful though. No one had come back to the room since collecting the empty dishes and it was starting to wear on my nerves.

I started to pace trying to think of a way to get myself out of this mess and hopefully stay alive.

" Just what the fuck is this game Kaz? You got your damn trinket and even more besides. Why are you keeping me here?" I muttered as I moved

I heard the door shut suddenly and I turned to see two people standing in the doorway. Kaz's ears must have been burning I mused as I frowned over at him. He returned my grimace with one of his own, admittly his was more impactful. The intensity of his stare was enough to cower most men. I wasn't new to his intensity and while I refused to cower before him, I didn't want to be the sole focus of his ire either.

" Women shouldn't have such filthy mouths. You won't figure out my motives because I'm always changing the plan." Kaz smirked at me as he leaned into his cane.

I scoffed at him and took notice of the smaller woman who stood at his side. This was his Wraith, Inej Ghafar.  Her dark eyes watched me and I decided it would be best to put more distance between us. I moved back by the cot and sat on the edge to appear docile.

Kaz's eyes narrowed at me as he said to his partner," Stand outside the room I'd like a few minutes alone with this Serpent."

Inej started to protest but he cut her off, " Inej please,she is unarmed and she knows she's trapped."

Inej's frown deepened but she obeyed him and left the room. I knew she would remain just outside the door ready spring into action at a moment's notice if her boss was in any danger.

It had to feel good knowing someone had your back.

Kaz pointed his cane at the wicker chair in the room and asked me, " May I?"

I didn't bother to reply because he would of done it even if I had refused him just out of spite. So instead I  kicked the chair back further from the bed and watched him as he walked slowly over to it.

When he settled himself in the chair he asked me," Are you still thinking you can get out of this?"

I refused to answer that instead I redirected a question back to him," Why am I not dead yet?"

Kaz smirked as he asked me," Do you want to die so badly?"

I shrugged, " You aren't known for showing compassion or mercy to your enemies Mr. Brekker.So why are you dragging this out?"

" I'll ask you again, Do you wish to die?"  Kaz watched me intensely waiting for my answer.

I sighed, I was exhausted and not wanting to continue this battle with Kaz right now. If he wanted to kill me he'd do it so the fact he hadn't meant he has another plan for me.

" No, I don't want to die." I admitted to him, I figured I'd be honest as the man held my fate in his hands.

" Good girl, finally we can start getting to the real issue then." Kaz smiled at me and I squirmed in my spot. Him saying that to me did funny things to my head.

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