Ch.22 A New Army

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*3 days later at the hotel

Silver: Still no sign of Vergil at all.

Octavia: Not even Griffon.

Umbra: Does he usually disappear like this?

Octavia: No.

Amphorn: Then where the fuck is he?

*The phone begins to ring.

Silver: Hello?

Trish: Hey girl.

Silver: Trish? did you call us from Earth?

Trish: Demonic secret. Now where is Vergil at? We have something with Zegan.

Silver: We have not seen him in three days.

Trish: Strange. He has not been here.

Umbra: You think he's doing something with that Qliphoth thing?

Octavia: I hope not.

Neos: What is that thing like?

Octavia: That thing is fucking massive. That thing went as high as...I don't know the Stratosphere and the demons that came with it are something let me tell you. The smell is unforgettable.

Neos: Right.

Silver: Hey Trish wants us on Earth to talk about Zegan. With Vergil being absent we have to do something until he returns.

Octavia: I can get us there.

*Octavia forms a portal to Devil May Cry.

Trish: Hey ladies.

Silver: So what do you have on Zegan?

Trish: Zegan has begun mobilizing his own army to nearby cities and plans to take them over.

Neos: Why would he do that? I thought he wanted to kill Vergil only?

Amphorn: Maybe now that he is on Earth with a Army and nothing stopping him at the moment he has a desire to rule Earth?

Silver: He would be one to do that.

*Everything shakes.

Umbra: What was that?

Lady: Great.

*Lady and Trish walk outside and see demons attacking the city

Octavia: Well speak of the devil.

Trish: You guys inside. We will take care of this.

*Lady and Trish walk out as everyone else returns inside.

Lady: Well?

Trish: Let's dance.

*Demons from Zegan's army begin to rush at the two. Trish jumps in kicking two demons at once. Lady fires missiles at more demons killing them while Trish uses her lightning powers to zap demons to a crisp.

Lady: Look out!

*A demon pins Trish to the ground and Lady gets tackled by another.

Silver: Heads up!

*Silver throws the Sparda at Trish. Trish grabs the Sparda and lightning shoots out in all directions freeing Trish.

Trish: This will make things easier.

*More and more demons swarm the area

Lady: Still coming?

*Blood pools form and different demons begin to attack Zegan's army.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Where stories live. Discover now