Ch.9 Sister of Charlie

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*In the middle of no where

Octavia: How far is this bitch?

Amphorn: Relax were here.

Octavia: Thank the rings. How do you know about this?

Amphorn: met her once when I first fell. Have not talked to her since then.

Octavia: How long ago was that?

Amphorn: 8 Years ago.

Octavia: Oh dear lord.

*The two walk up to a cottage and Amphorn knocks on the door.

Amphorn: Hello? Umbra? It's me Amphorn from 8 years ago? Fallen Angel?

*The door opens as a female walks out

*The door opens as a female walks out

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Credit: SugaryIceCreamMlp

Umbra: Yeah I remember you. Been a while.

Amphorn: It has.

Umbra: What brings you back?

*Amphorn steps aside as Octavia walks forward 

Octavia: I'll be dammed.

Umbra: Something wrong?

*Octavia shows the picture.

Umbra: You got the wrong person my dear.

*Umbra attempts to slam the door but Octavia summons a wings and stops it

Octavia: Can I explain.

Umbra: What does she want?

Octavia: Nothing. It's what I want.

Umbra: Make it quick.

*Amphorn and Octavia enter the cottage.

Amphorn: Very nice place.

Umbra: Got everything from the humans. Now speak little birdy.

Octavia: I need your help.

Umbra: With what?

Octavia: My father has been majorly wounded and is potentially dying and he has no what to heal himself and Charlie does not know what it is.

Amphorn: He's alive.

Umbra: Why me?

Octavia: Charlie knew something but you two are apart from some reason.

Umbra: Correct we are. Because my mother and father always loved her more than me! No matter what I did they always choose her. I learned the most powerful shit I could harness and still they choose her over me.

Octavia: Can this power heal this wound.

Umbra: What makes you think I will help?

Octavia: She really misses you.

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