Ch.12 Hideout

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*In a city alleyway

Silver: Wow alley. No this is the perfect place to hide.

Vergil: Are you done?

Silver: Please tell me there is something else.

Vergil: Yes there is.

*The others make it through the portal as it closes.

Charlie: Never been here before.

Vergil: An old city. Very few still live here.

Silver: Why here?

Vergil: There is a place I have wanted to visit for some time now.

*Vergil leads the group to a building.

*Vergil leads the group to a building

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Octavia: Devil May Cry.

Silver: Still not ringing a bell.

Vergil: This is the shop my brother ran before his death.

*Vergil opens the door as everyone enters.

Umbra: Ain't to shabby.

Amphorn: Still kept up somehow.

Vergil: It's not a 5 star hotel this is what we got. We use what we got tonight then we get everything tomorrow.

Umbra: I could use some sleep.

*Vergil absorbs the Yamato into his arm changing his left forearm into a demon arm(Similar to Nero's devil bringer.)

*In the middle of the night everyone is fast asleep. Vergil sound asleep begins to remember events of Mundus.

Lucifer: The legendary devil hunter Dante is dead. Bu the hand of Mundus.

*Vergil recalls the moments before entering the void

Lucifer: Down to the pits.

Stella: Promise me you will protect her.

*More nightmares of Vergil's suffering flood his mind with his scream of his corrupted devil form echoing in his mind. The final scream wakes him up from his nightmare 

Vergil: *Heavy breathing.

*Vergil gets up and walks downstairs.

Vergil: They are safe.

*Vergil walks outside and sits right outside the door.

Vergil: I won't let anything happen to them.

*A phantom of Dante appears next to Vergil

Dante: Trouble sleeping?

Vergil: What do you want?

Dante: Nothing. I just want to know what troubles you.

Vergil: I just need to think.

Dante: Maybe you can talk to her.

*Dante disappears as Charlie walks out.

Charlie: Hey, your up?

Vergil: Yeah.

Charlie: Why?


*Charlie sits down

Charlie: About what?

Vergil: Everything that has happened and that is happening.

Charlie: A nightmare?

Vergil: Yes.

Charlie: What did you see?

Vergil: My time in the void, my time as the incontrollable devil, and dark events from the past.

Charlie: Your mother's death?

Vergil: No. The death of my unborn son.

Charlie: Son?

Vergil: Long ago I met this woman and we stuck together for a while then she wanted a kid...just a month later she was killed and so was the son.

Charlie: And your scared about what's happening now?

Vergil: Yes.

Charlie: Your scared your going to loose.

Vergil: And also confused. I thought I knew everything around me but now I don't know ever since that Silver princess.

Charlie: What happened?

Vergil: When we fought I managed to shed some of her blood, I was going to finish her off until I stepped into the blood. Then the echo's of Stella's voice ran across my mind.

Charlie: Do you trust her?

Vergil: I don't know.

Charlie: I'll give you some time alone. But be quick, I get cold quickly.

*Charlie goes back inside.

Dante: Don't fear. I'll be watching over them.

Vergil: Why are you doing this?

Dante: You wanted your daughter to wield the Rebellion. I think she is worthy of it. So I vow to watch over her as a guardian demon hybrid.

Vergil: Thank

*In Hell

Troop: My king we could not bring the demons back.

Zegan: What of the son of Sparda?

Troop: Survivors say he is alive and has allied with your daughter my lord.

Zegan: That dammed Sparda son.

*A black Goetia demon is a formal armor outfit walks in

*A black Goetia demon is a formal armor outfit walks in

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Zegan: Eligos.

Eligos: My lord you summon me?

Zegan: A war is  upon us soon. I want you to prepare all forces.

Eligos: My lord it is only 5 demons and a half breed.

Zegan: Do not underestimate them. This half breed managed to marry the daughter of Lucifer, rise to king, take in a Goetia daughter, and make allies with my own daughter.

Eligos: I understand. Shall I send search parties out?

Zegan: Keep them small . Send them to Earth.

Eligos: As you wish.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Where stories live. Discover now