Ch.3 Sleepover

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*At the Sparda Castle

Octavia: Hey V.

*Octavia does not see Vergil in the living room.

Octavia: Vergil?

*Octavia looks around and sees Vergil outside practicing his sword skills. Octavia walks down outside while Vergil continues practicing.

Octavia: Hey V.

*Octavia steps closer and steps on a twig snapping it. Vergil quickly reacts and aims the Yamato and Via's neck.

Octavia: HEY! WOAH!

Vergil: Forgive me. I told you to give me 6 feet of warning when I was training.

Octavia: What do you think about that causes that?

Vergil: Dark memories.

Octavia: Ok. Um well I was wondering if Loona could spend the night.

Vergil: What reason?

Octavia: She was asking?

Vergil: She is a 22 year old hound wanting to spend the night elsewhere there is some sort of reason other than for fun.

Octavia: I don't know but is it a yes or no.

Vergil: *Sigh one night and stay out of things a hound would not normally see.

Octavia: Thanks!

Vergil: She won't listen to me I know that.

*That evening.

Loona: She said she would be out here.

*Loona steps forward and steps on a "big rock"

Loona: Odd choice to put a rock here.

*Loona walks up to the front door and before she can knock Nightmare rises up. Loona hears to gooey sounds and turns around to see Nightmare starting at her.

Loona: What the fuck?

*Loona trips on the stairs as Nightmare walks closer.

Loona: Hey good pile of shit.

*Nightmare get's on all fours and stares at Loona with his bright single eye.

Loona: Good...shit?

*The front door opens

Octavia: Loona!

Loona: Get me inside!

*Loona rushes inside.

Loona: What the hell is that?

Octavia: Gate security.

Loona: He's the only one that guards this place?

Octavia: The other guards are elsewhere right now. They has a schedule on patrol.

Loona: Why did he get so close to me?

Octavia: He was inspecting you.

Loona: For what?!

Octavia: Make sure you were not a intruder. He can talk to us directly.

Loona: He did not say shit!

Octavia: Not out loud in the head. 

Loona: Right. Is he going to do anything to me?

Octavia: No. 

Loona: Thank the rings.

*The two walk to the living room

Octavia: Hey V.

Loona: Hey Vergil. Nice guard you got.

Vergil: Much appreciated.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Where stories live. Discover now