Ch.7 Declaration of War

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*At the Sparda manor

Octavia: Come on!

*Octavia trains with guards with swordsmanship

*Octavia: You guys are weak.

*Three guards rush Octavia and she quickly defeats the guards.

Octavia: Too easy.

*Another guard enters the training room

Guard: Ms. Sparda your father request your presence. 

Octavia: What does he want?

Guard: I do not know.

Octavia: Where is he?

Guard: In a cave.

Octavia: Strange place but ok.

*At a cave open to the skies with small moats of water with a statue of Sparda

Vergil: Inner peace. *deep breath. Inner peace.

Octavia: *Distant OW!

Vergil: *Sigh inner peace.

Octavia: Vergil. What do we got? Sparring? Flying? Whatever it is I am in a mood to get something done.

*Vergil remains silent doing deep breaths.

Octavia: What are you doing?

Vergil: One of my fathers final teachings.

*Vergil looks up as a drop lands in front of him from the statue. Vergil places his foot by where the drop landed and slides his foot back extending his hand to the next drop falling as it lands on his hand not popping. Vergil moves his arms with the droplet guiding it moving it from arm to hand to the other hand eventually placing it on a plant.

Octavia: Woah that was cool! How did you do that?

Vergil: Inner peace.

Octavia: Inner peace. Inner peace of what?

Vergil: The next phase of your training. Every warrior must find their path to inner peace. Some choose to meditate in a cave for 50 years just like this one...

*Vergil teleports behind Octavia

Vergil:...Without the slightest taste of food or water.

*Octavia places her hands on her stomach.

Octavia: Or?

Vergil: Some find it through pain and suffering as I did. My entire life I have been devoted to obtaining more power and removing my humanity from my soul. Everyday wanting to be a pure demon. Uhhh those days were brutal. But once I realized to accept both sides of who I am and accept the past and future. I found inner peace and harnessed the full power of my soul.

Octavia: So I just need to be really calm. I can make that work. So what do we do?

Vergil: We will start with-RHAHHhhh!

Octavia: You...ok?

Vergil: I....I need to focus. Rest for now.

Octavia: But-

Vergil: PLEASE! I need to meditate. Alone.

Octavia: As you wish.

*Octavia leaves as Vergil goes back to meditating.

*In Hell

Zegan: It's not a hard question at all. All you do is answer the question and life goes on for you and your daughter. All we want is a royal king that is not human.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Where stories live. Discover now