Ch.18 Imminent War

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*At the hotel.

Husk: V you are thinking hard right now what's going on?

Vergil: I learned that Silver was created by Mundus.

Husk: That old demon king that tried to kill you.

Vergil: Yes.

Husk: Does she know?

Vergil: I told her about it yesterday. She has been...avoiding me every since. Via said she has been partying non stop. Maybe even forming a acholic addiction.

Husk:....Oh you want advice?

Vergil: Not that you would give any good advice.

Niffty: You have to make it up to her somehow.

Vergil: I don't know how. Not every demon is made from a Prince of Darkness to serve as a servant of destruction.

Husk: You also think she is a child of Stella and Stolas?

Vergil: It feels like it.

Husk: What are you doing sitting around? You can get to their old palace. No one lives there anymore.

Vergil: For once you had a good idea.

Neos: Hey! I'm going too.

Vergil: Why?

Neos: I want to know what she is too.

Vergil: If you can understand ancient demons then your more than welcome.

*Vergil cuts a portal open to the Goetia palace as Vergil and Neos walk through.

Neos: This place is dusty.

Vergil: That is what happens when you does keep up with  place for a long time.

*Vergil and Neos enter a library. The two begin reading through books to figure out anything they can.

Neos: Can't believe she was with a human.

Vergil: You don't like humans do you?

Neos: They are such a stupid creation. Why would they be made the way they are?

Vergil: I wondered the same thing. Until I realized how important humanity is.

Neos: Yeah and look what happened. Silver is now drunk out of her mind because of what you told her.

Vergil: She will have to learn to accept what she is. There is no changing that.

Neos: Whatever. You are turning her into a drunk woman.

Vergil: Teenagers.

*Vergil grabs a book and opens it to find a bunch of old pictures with a young Silver Moon, Stella and Stolas.

Vergil: I'll be dammed.

Stella: Catching up on reading?

Vergil: How come no one knew about Silver being your daughter? What happened? Why did you give her up?

Stella: She was planned just not like that. I felt like it would be better if she did not learn the truth of her creation.

Vergil: We both think the same thing.

*Vergil looks up and notices a empty bookshelf.

Vergil: Was that always empty?

Stella: No it was full of war tactic book. Via wanted it when she was younger.

Vergil: I feel someone else has come in here before.

*Vergil walks out

Vergil: Someone else was here and I don't like who I think got in here.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Where stories live. Discover now