Ch.14 The Old Tower

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*In the old city Vergil enters a building to take shelter and places Silver on a couch

Vergil: If this does not work then our chances to defeat Zegan will be based on luck.

Silver: Uggh where am I?

Vergil: Rise and Shine.

Silver: What-Where-where are we?

Vergil: We are far from Redgrave.

Silver: Were not in Hell?

Vergil: No.

Silver: Why we need to get back to them.

Vergil: They will be safe, I know they can get themselves out of a fight believe me I trained two of them.

Silver: Then why are we here? You think this is some private tour with just you and some teen you never really met until a few days ago?

Vergil: In a sense, yes.

Silver: So what are we doing in another city? Your brother or father previously own a house here?

*Vergil walks out

Silver: HEY WAIT!

*Silver runs to Vergil.

Silver: Your saying that your-my god.

Silver: Your saying that your-my god

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Silver: What is that?

Vergil: Ever heard of the Temen Ni Gru?

Silver: The tower that links the human and demon worlds?

Vergil: Yes.

Silver: Thought it was a legend.

Vergil: It is very real. My father preformed a ritual sealing the two worlds when he stood against his own kind. For 26 years this tower has stood after breaking out of the ground.

Silver: Who raised it?

Vergil: A young, arrogant, power hungry warrior.


Vergil: Yes.

Silver: I don't know what you were doing when you were young and I don't want to know.

Vergil: The reason we are here is because that tower is the last hope in me standing any chance against Zegan.

Silver: Why do you need me?

Vergil: There is something inside of you that I have seen from one other demon ever. One I have already killed.

Silver: Who is it?

Vergil: I'm not certain.

*Vergil cuts a portal to the tower.

Vergil: We have a long trial ahead.

*The two walk through the portal and arrive at the bottom of the tower.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora