Ch.11 Alliances

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*At Umbra's Cabin

Silver: Where am I?

Umbra: Your finally awake.

Silver: Why am I tied to a chair?

Octavia: Because you are going to give us your power so I can heal my father.

Silver: I can't do that.

Octavia: Then we will just have to break you.

Silver: No I literally can't, it's impossible.

Octavia: Then can't you vessel a little power into something like a fruit?

Silver: Never learned that.

Octavia: Then you will be staying right here until you can give us that power.

Silver: You think I was out there for a stroll in the woods?

Octavia: Mmmm yeah.

Silver: No! I left the royal throne because of what I did.

Octavia: Then why did you do it in the first place?

Silver: I...I was in the moment and did not think it out.

Octavia: And what will your father think?

Silver: I don't know!

Amphorn: Why is it getting hotter in here.

Octavia: I swear to my dad if your starting at my-

Amphorn: NO! I mean it feels like it's getting hotter by the second.

*Loud footsteps walk up the front porch stairs and the door is kicked open to Charlie in her full demon form.

Octavia: Fuck.

Charlie: What are you doing here?

Octavia: Trying to save Vergil, Charlie.

Charlie: With all people it's Umbra?

Octavia: Yes she is more helpful that you know.

Charlie: Really how about we talk about it at the manor.

Umbra: You sound just like dad.

Charlie: Umbra, step aside.

Umbra: Can I say something for once and be heard for real? I loved you like a sister should but you were the one that was forced to reject me.

Charlie: You tried to kill me.

Umbra: Because I was done with it all. Dad always choose you more than me no matter what I did. I even learned spells that could undo the effects of the flaming sword and he still hated me.

Charlie: Maybe he was afraid that you were becoming more powerful than him.

Umbra: He fucking jumped in front of that human demon you call your husband!

Charlie: He changed.

Umbra: Did he? Why did he side with that human anyway? To keep his throne? Always cared for himself.

Charlie: HE CHANGED! he may not have lived long to prove it but he did. I feel if I mentioned you he would allow you to return to our family. 

Umbra: Well he's gone now. I have made quite a home here.

Silver: Do they always do this?

Octavia: They have not seen each other in a long time. Starting to remind me of my mother and father.

Silver: At least you had your real parents. I was adopted when I was a chick. Always wanted to meet my real mom and dad.

Octavia: Will you be able to heal him?

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Where stories live. Discover now