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Vikram's pov:
Everything was going great.
I got posted to Hyderabad -south
And daksh to Hyderabad - east.
its like a dream come true.
I bought a new flat. Our home. Our space, our place.
Time is running a marathon.
Soon ,im getting married. In less than a month.
Nidhi had gone on her bachelor's trip to Munnar with her cousins.
Our families are very busy with all the arrangements for our marriage.
And here i am sitting with my plate of food and thinking about my soon to be wife lost in her thoughts.
I have to tell u , she already turned on her wife mode.
Now itself it is like this and i can see my future very bright.😅
I dont complaint, i learnt it from nanna, he treats amma like a queen , his queen .
I want to do the same. She is going to be my future, and listening to what she want , there is no harm in it i guess.
Ahhhh......cant wait to make her mine.
I was in a deep slumber, and my sleep got disturbed by the call.
It was midnight around 2.30 am. Who is calling at this hour, thinking i reached my hand to the side table, picking my phone.
It was nidhi's brother.
I got panicked looking at it.
Why would he call me at such odd hours, i had a bad feeling building up my gut.
Without any delay i picked up the call .
And listening to what aryan said, slipped me into complete shock.
Nidhi had met with an accident.
Car, found in the valley , burnt state.
They claim that she is dead.
This is what i could process after hearing it.
The phone slipped from my hands and fell down.

The phone slipped from my hands and fell down

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

No this cant happen , i just spoke to her yesterday

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

No this cant happen , i just spoke to her yesterday.
She cant leave me like this.
I know she will come back to me.No no No , this is a lie, i punched the wall hard, blood was oozing out from my knuckles.
I broke down into tears.
This cant be true.she cant leave me and go.
Author's pov:
Vikram was completely devastated .
And he couldn't bring himself to believe that nidhi was no more.
Everyone tried everything they could to console him.
He had turned completely silent and he's been living a life like a dead corpse.
Maha , vinod and daksh did everything to divert his attention atleast for sometime, but he payed no heads to them.
He could'nt even see her for the last time atleast and thinking that he shouldn't had let her gone of trip in the first place and he couldn't protect her was always pondering, eating him up. Loosing his cool.
He locked himself in his room all the time. If he is at home. Or stayed for later hours at the station.
He's been turning himself into a beast slowly.
Developing anger issues.
Letting out his frustration on criminals.
Soon he turned from the lovely guy, vikram to ACP VIKRAM KUMAR, ENCOUNTER SPECIALIST.
He was never like before.
A complete different Vikram is seen scaring maha and the worst he did was moving out of the house and he shifted to his flat.
He didn't even mind to give any explanation to his parents and talk it out.
His emotional side had totally froze and he even stopped thinking about himself or his parents.
Maha, vinod and daksh were very hurt by his behaviour and more over scared for him of what he had turned himself into.
Ok so dont kill me.
According to theories of ancient ayurveda, there is a reason for everything.
Be patient and find out by urself.
Do let me know in the comments
See ya in next chappy

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