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I came back late night and after changing my clothes with had some blood stains, i directly went to my bed ,
I saw daksh snoring litely and he was in a very deep sleep occupying almost half of the bed with his more than 6 feet big frame.
I tried pushing him a bit but he dint budge with no other option i kicked him and he woke up with a sudden jolt. He looked at me with sleepy eyes and asked in irritation,
D: "wht is it bava , u wanted to show your love towards me at the middle of the night."
Rolling my eyes i said ,
"Kicking u is not considered as showing love kameene. And if u sleep occupying the whole bed , where should I sleep "
With the same expression he looked at me patting the place beside him and turned towards the other side, he went back to his precious sleep.
Shaking my head in a defeated way, thinking that i cant do anything with this idiot as he will never change , i slept as i was damn tired.

Daksh shook me to wake me up and i got up groaning
And i sat up half laying on the bed resing my body weight on my elbow.
I looked at daksh who was having a serious expression.
with a questioning look i asked what, when he bought my shirt from last night and placed it before me.
D: care to explain? And why did u call me so many times last night ? He widened his eyes as if he realised something and said,
Did u met with an accident? Are u hurt?
He came to me and almost sat on me and checked my hands legs and head as if a monkey checking its baby.🐒

I pushed him off me and told him what happened last night.
After listening to the whole thing , he immediately said ,
"Come on get ready fast , we need to go to the hospital to check on avinash ."
Telling this he rushed to the bathroom to get ready.
I smiled to myself,
"He know me so well".

We both soon got ready and left to the hospital, as its the weekend we are on an off today. So no training for the day.
We reached the hospital and went towards the reception to enquire about the room in which avinash was admitted.

Then again I saw her . It was nidhi she was in her scrub dress with an apron on. She looked at me smiling and walked towards us.
N: "u here, what brings u here sir? Any problem?"
Daksh stood quietly looking at me and Nidhi .
" That constable said that u r training for police,Is it about the other day , u came to enquire about? To meet me?" She continued with slight mischief in her voice.
D: "vadilite prapancham mottam  em jarigina tana valla ne antadi., And why would trainees come to enquire?(If possible,she will tell that everything around the world is happening because of her only)" daksh wispered which nidhi couldn't hear but i heard it and i glared at him to keep quiet.
"There was an accident case last night , avinash , we came to visit him" i replied.
She smiled and asked us to follow her.

We went to avinash's room his parents were sitting beside his bed , they got up immediately looking at me.
Avinash was awake and he thanked me for saving him , continued by his parents thanking me again.
All this while Nidhi was around. I could feel her staring at me almost all the while.

After sometime we bid bye to avi and his parents,  asked them to take care,
They gave me the money which i paid for avi's admission.
I refused to take it coz it was for saving a life i paid.
But they forced me to take it .
They were very polite, i like them.
As we were walking out, someone called me
I turned around to see, it was nidhi.
She came to me and said:"actually i wanted to ask you something"
I gestured her to continue
" Can we go for a coffee?my treat,  as a thank you ,plz.." she added plz with cute puppy eyed expression.
"Why do u want to go for a coffee with us? For what joy? And what thank you?" Daksh jumped in saying.
"She asked for a coffee with me not us " i mumbled only audible for daksh.
" Adi, u helped me the other day right , so i wanted to thank you ." She replied to me ignoring daksh which he made a sulking face.
" Actually, it wasn't any help , i just gave an option of what you could do, so i think there is no need of treat maybe" i replied not knowing what to say as i was still in shock that a girl asked me for a coffee for the first time, its not that im bad looking, im hot and handsome with 6'2height and a great physique. But im not just used to such things , even in my school and college many girls tried to hit on me but i dint care though!
But coffee is something different.
Bringing me out of my past memories lala land nidhi said :
" Enti sir idi , oka ammayi tanantata tanu coffee ki rammani adugutunte , no antara , em abbayivoy nuvvu ? ( Wht is this sir, a girl , her self is asking out for a coffee and u r saying a no, what kind of a guy r u ) , she said showing  fake anger.

Then it striked me , that ,even she is showing some intrest in me . Scratching the back of my nape , i replied an ok
Which made her smile wide.
And all the while our daksh maharaj was giving werid looks to each of us , which we royally ignored.
So he stamped on my foot and i excused my self from nidhi and pulled daksh towards a side.
So guys what do u feel about nidhi?
Do u feel the same as daksh?
Do let me know in the comments.
See ya in next chappy

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