Unexpected Meeting

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A day past since the party, and Tony is having a hung over.
"Scotch! More!^_^"
"No Tony, no Scotch."
Let's go back to a few hours earlier.
"So cap, you can't get drunk?"
"Yeah right, it's a lie capsical. I'm challenging you."
"To what?"
"To see who's drunk first."
"I... I don't think it's a good idea."
"Jarvis, bring out the Scotch!"

"Here, drink this. You will feel better." Clint hands a bowl of liquid to Tony.
"No ewww."
"Ahh! It's your scotch." Bruce tries to trick Tony.
"Oh yeah!" Tony drinks the whole bowl
"Ewwww! This taste disgusting."
"I'll take Tony to bed." Steve says, and returned soon.
"It's six in the morning, you guys want to take a nap?"
"Yep." Bruce went back to his room.
"Nah, sleep is never for an assassin."
"Wanna jog with me?"
The two jog alone, and stopped at a coffee place.
"So cap, you never tried water park before huh?"
"No, I would love to. Since Peggy is back, I would like to learn about this world."
"Finally decide to blend in huh?"
"Yep, after 70 years."
"That's not so bad..."
"I think I saw Coulson."
"That's impossible, he's dea..." Clint is shocked too after he looked.
"It can be a trick..." Clint suggests.
"Come on, follow him." Steve says, grabbing Clint.
"Agent May, I got the food. What else does the team wants? Ok, ok. I'll come back now... bye."
Phil hangs up the phone and is completely unaware of Steve and Clint. Why? Clint is more experienced... The group follow Coulson until he stops to pick up the car and drove away.
"Great, what are we going to do now?" Clint asks.
"I might have another way..." Steve told Jarvis to send a helicopter right away, and track the car number he saw, they followed Phil until he drove his car into a plane. Cap jumps down with Clint and climb in without been noticed.
"This is a SHIELD's plane." Clint says.
They explore around the plane a little, and is still undiscovered.
"I'm surprised that we aren't discovered." Steve says.
"...Or they're watching us right now."
"Or, they're in a meeting. Come, I know where things are."
"You know this plane so well."
"Um... I used Jarvis."
"If Skye got compromised, Ward, you're going in."
"Fitz and Simmons,ndo you have the gears ready?"
"Yes Coulson."
"So he is Coulson... how did he came back alive?" Steve asks.
"SHIELD always have tricks, even though we don't know them."
"Who's there?" May asks, turned around instantly.
"...Hi Phil." Steve waves. There's no place for them to hide besides the table, but it's too small...
"Hi Phil." Clint says too.
"...Hi." Coulson is still shocked.
"Ward, are they..."
"Yes Skye, they're Hawkeye and Captain America."
"So that's how you came back alive."
"Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you guys. SHIELD protocols."
"It's alright. Phil, you can attend Steve's wedding now! You can be the priest!"
"Yes, Steve and Peggy."
"Oh... I'm honored."
"Yes, now let's go. We've got to tell the others." Clint pulls Phil to the plane door and Steve calls for the helicopter.
"Wait guys..."
"The helicopter is here, come on." They went into the helicopter and head to Avengers Tower.
Phil's team is still shocked, not realizing anything until they disappear.
"Did that just happened?"
"Wait, now Phil's gone, how are we going to continue the mission?"

Avengers Tower
"Ahh... what happened... why did my head hurt?" Tony asks, not remembering anything.
"...Bruce? Steve? Clint?"
"Where are they? Jarvis?"
"Steve and Clint went out for a walk and Bruce is in his room sir."
"What? Boring. What happened last night?"
"You got drunk while competing who's going to get drunk first with Captain, sir."
"What? Oh, my head hurts."
"And what happened next?"
"Clinton gave you medicine for drunk and Steve carried you to bed."
"...Ok... What about Thor?"
"He went to bed early and stays there."
"Oh and sir, Steve demands for a helicopter."
"What? What for?"
"I don't know sir. Looks like they're taking back Agent Coulson."
"The helicopter is here sir."
"And that's what happened while you're forming a team."
"It sounds fun, we should meet them."
"Oh you will, I mean, eventually."

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