The Next Steps

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Peggy's POV
I don't like how this goes. Steve and I fought in Europe together. If he recognized this man, then something must be wrong with Dr. Ivechenko.
"Courtney, do you know anything about this man?"
"Yes. He's a doctor who served during the war and is really good at hypnosis."
"This can't be good. He got chief into believing him."
We got a report about a strange murder and went. Every body either missed an eye, hair, or something.
"Why would he do such thing to them? I thought Russia and us are allies." I wondered.
"Because of me." We all turned around, and see Howard walking towards us.
"Put your arms up!" The SSR agents shout and take out their guns. Howard turned to look at Jarvis, then walks toward Steve and me.
"I know, you missed me."
After the whole explanation, we know that the Russian took item 17, which is a gas that makes people suffocate and kill each other.
"I'm so gad that I only breath in a little. Sousa said. Oh, he went to the crime scene, where the gas is placed, and accidentally breathe in some.
"So you invented poison gas?"
"I wasn't intended to. Anyways, the Nazi stole it and used it against Russians. I went there to see what happened the next day. Oh also, the gas suffocates people."
"That's why the voice box is cut of from the Russian assassin." I realized.
"Take me to the lab." Howard requested.
"I'll go with you." I said, leaving no room for the agents to respond. After all, it is his inventions. Steve followed, he wanted to protect us in case something happened.
"No no no! This is suppose to be kept in the dark! That should be placed this way! Are they really scientists?!"
"Howard calm down. What's this?" Steve asked, opening a container and take out the liquid.
"Oh, it's um, your blood." I explained.
"And I'll destroy it so nobody can replicate the serum. Especially the Russians." Courtney said.
"How did you got here, when you're with the agents?" Howard wondered. He doesn't know Courtney's identity yet.
"I think we should destroy it. I'm here now and if the SSR needs it, they can just ask." Steve commented.
"The blood into dangerous to be kept." I agree.
"ok." After, Courtney squeezed the container and it vaporized.
"Who are you?" Howard's really curious.
"Anyways, they took all of the gas. That can be spread across half of NYC." Howard said, after we returnees
"I'll be the bait."
"... So we can have a ceremony for clearing your name."
"Announcing it over the radio."
"Great, cause I only do fancy things."
"Guess what, there'll be a ceremony for Stark."
"Plan changed."

21st century
"Asgard here I come!"
"Thor! Who are these humans!"
"They're the Avengers father."
"Ah. You just can't stop bringing humans to here can you. Whatever."
"The book hall is this way." Thor leads
...An hour later...
"Thor, how does the portal work?"
"It creates a bridge between all nine realms."
"Can it determined the time?"
"Technically yes."
"Guys look! The book said 'travel between time is possible, the tree of life will help, but only the owners of pure heart can achieve.'"
"Pure heart? What is that? I'm not sure I have one... like literally." Tony asked.
"We'll go see the tree."
The Avengers went to see the tree.
"The Tree of Life, can you send us to Earth? The time where Captain America is right now, and bring us back when requested?"
The tree didn't move.
"For one second I thought it's working." Natasha said.
"Let's wait a little longer."
"I hope not too long. I'm not sure I have the temper." Banner brings it up.
"Patient, Avengers. I can do what you asked, only if you pass a test."
"What is it?"
"Rock paper and scissors."
"Is this really the tree of life?" Barton asked.
"I'll go." Tony scanned the tree and calculate the possibility of what the tree is going to do.
"Rock Paper Scissors and shoot!"
"I win, yes, yes!"
It turns out that the tree can only do paper, and Tony did scissors.
"I'll do what I said, but I suggest that you should do some research."
"Already did, Tony said, giving everybody a laptop to study from.
"And I must tell you, Captain America doesn't remember all of you."
"Why? Is his memories been erased?"
"No. But here, this will help him remember." the tree handed Thor a memory potion.
"Thank you, the Tree of Life." He bows before the tree and the avengers left to prepare themselves.

How would Steve react? What about Peggy? And Courtney, what's the connection between her and Asgard?

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