Another World Saving

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"Yes sir. 'The General Ross claims that Avengers is related HYDRA and needs to be taken down. The army will like to help and welcome volunteers.'" Jarvis reads.
"Of course we are related to HYDAR. They're our enemy!" Tony whines.
"That's not the key point. Ross must have a plan before he let out the news. Look at the information he provided." Steve says.
"Well, duh. We just threatened him."
"Tony, this is serious. We haven't taken down entire HYDRA yet."
"HYDRA?" Peggy asks.
"Yes, just as we thought we brought down HYDRA, they still survived." Natasha answers.
"Ms. Ross, I'm surprised to see you here."
"Fury, don't start."
"I'm not. What do you know about what your dad planned?"
"I don't know. I was locked up. Wherever I go, there's always guards following me."
"Interesting." Bruce says, knowing what the general's like.
"Umm. guys, am I the only one realize that Ross' words can turn people against us?"
"Like anyone would believe him."
"Actually sir, from a poll, half of the NY believes him from the pictures he provided."
"That son of a b****." Tony murmurs.
"Language." Steve comments.
"What is it Bucky?" Courtney asks, noticed some change.
"If Ross is working with HYDRA then, we need help."
"From who?"
"Wait. I'm confused." Thor says.
"So am I." Clint says.
"Oh. Let's start from the beginning. Jarvis?"
"Yes sir. The Avengers went to Betty Ross to bring her back to Bruce, which is the last thing General Ross wants to see. Then sir humiliated him badly, causing him wanted to revenge. In the meantime, General Ross is working for HYDRA."
"So what dad tries to do is to annihilate Avengers but actually revenge."
"That's not all. He also wants to turn people against us so that we won't have an ally."
The Avengers all turned to look at Fury.
"What?! I don't have an al... Fine. Only this time though."
"Ok. So who?"
"...Spider Man?"
"Ant man..."
"I'll do it now." Fury left.
"See guys, I told you it would work. Now, anyone want a shawarma party?" Tony asks.
"Me! And pop tarts."
"Avengers!" Fury returns.
"I got you three allies. They're coming and should arrive in half a hour."
"Got it."
The Avengers walk pass Fury and heads toward the shawarma place.

1 hour passed
"I'm sorry, they are usually on time." Fury apologizes.
"It's ok. I haven't see them in person, this is so exciting!" By person 1
"It's ok director." By person 2
"I wonder where they are." By person 3
Shawarma place
"I can't believe that us being famous, still need to wait on line."
"Well, they can't just serve you alone."
"But I have the money."
"Money isn't everything." Peggy suddenly speaks, remembers how much money Howard Stark puts in to find Steve, even if it's a dead body or the suit he wears, "not from what I experienced."
"Guys, what time is it?" Courtney suddenly asks."
"1:30. Why?"
"Fury said that our ally is coming in half a hour." Bucky says.
"Oh sh**"
"Language Tony, language." Steve says.
"What are we waiting for?" Thor asks, and summons the bridge to send them to the tower. When they arrived...
"What is that?" Person 1
"It's like a storm, but different." Person 3
"Thor." Fury murmurs.
"Next time Thor, when you leave the mark next time, your paying." Tony complains.
"...Yes Man of Iron, I'm sorry."
"Hey Fury."
"Where were you for the last 31 minutes?! I have my guests here, waiting for you and..."
"Fury, no fuss, no muss."
"I haven't see you in a long time. And I see you find yourself a date. Congrats." Sharon says, noticing Steve and Peggy holding hands.
"Yes, me too. We are very happy."
"Peggy, this is Sharon Carter. Sharon, this is Peggy Carter."
"Grandma Peggy?"
"Puhahaha. Grandma..."
"Not now. Avengers, I would like you to meet Agent Carter, Ant Man, and Spider Man."
"Ant man, Iron Man, Spider Man. The 'Man squad'." Clint jokes.
"That's cause we are awesome."
"Alright, now get to work." Fury says and left.
"Hello, I'm Peter Parker. I love the Avengers, you guys are awesome."
"Chill kiddo, if you want signatures, we are happy to..."
"What Tony is saying is that we are happy to have you here." Tony got cut off by Bruce.
"But Brucie..."
"I suggest you to be quiet if you don't want the Hulk to come." Peggy reminds kindly.
"PEGGY!!!" Pepper walks in.
"PepT^T" Tony tries to seek comfort, but got ignored completely.
"We need to start planning your wedding. It's less than a month left. O sorted things out. All we need to do is to shop for your dress, cake, and wedding ring. Then we need to make an appointment for the church and priest. Also, we need to determine your wedding place, guest list, and honeymoon spot. That's all. Nothing much." Pepper finishes.
"Well, have fun dress shopping Peg, I'll see you." Steve says, back hugs Peggy and kissed her.
"No PDA in my home." But Tony got ignored again...
"See you."

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