Ch.21 Return of the Qliphoth

Comenzar desde el principio

Silver: He's better at leading than you ever will.

Zegan: You have corrupted my own daughter?!

Vergil: She was never your daughter.

Silver: What?

Vergil: It does not have to be this way.

Zegan: But it will.

*Zegan grabs the Rebellion.

Vergil: NO!

*Zegan thrust the Rebellion into the ground and the platform begins to rise. Everyone falls to the ground.

Zegan: This is what it is Vergil! This is your end!

*Zegan begins to run away.

Silver: NO YOU DON'T!

*Silver switches to her full devil form and flies to Zegan grabs him and pins him to the ground.


Eligos: Let him go Silver Moon.

*Silver turns and sees Eligos with Neos.

Silver: Let him go!

Zegan: Under one condition. Give Vergil to us.

*Silver looks at Vergil.

Silver: Fine!

Zegan: Good.

Vergil: *What was that deal?

Zegan: Vergil! Kneel before your king!

Vergil: As you wish.

*Vergil kneels in front of Zegan. Vergil's eyes glow purple and Vergil summons his doppleganger which kicks down Zegan.

Zegan: AHH! Kill him!

Neos: NO!

*Silver flies in and knocks Eligos to the ground

Silver: Get out of here!

*Neos tries to run but is stopped by Zegan.

Zegan: I have had it with annoying shits like you!

*Zegan cuts Neos leg. Silver tries to stop Zegan but is smacked away.

Zegan: You were never any use to us.

*Zegan raises his sword ready to kill Neos. Before he could kill him Vergil flies in his Sin Devil form and punches Zegan away.

Vergil: You shall not kill a innocent demon.

Zegan: There is nothing innocent with him. He was born to be a royal with no choice.

Vergil: Everyone deserves a choice.

Zegan: You are too caring. 

*The ground shakes as the platform reaches the top of the tower. Zegan rushes to attack Vergil but is hit with a rocket.

Lady: Are we late for the party?

Neos: YES!

*Zegan and Eligos run through their own portal.

Vergil: We need to go. The portal activation will be too much if we a re near it.

*Vergil cuts his own portal and everyone runs through.

Silver: Well now they activated the portal. Things are going to get complicated.

Trish: We have handled armies of demons before.

Vergil: We will find a way to make them stronger. We need a army of our own.

Silver: And where will you get that?

Vergil: The Qliphoth.

Octavia: No no no. That place was a nightmare. 

Vergil: One we will inherit and use.

Octavia: Great.

Vergil: I will be on Earth and return.

*Vergil cuts another portal.

Neos: Hey V! I owe you, maybe your not so bad.

*Vergil smiles and walks through. Vergil walks through to a open area with no population, no buildings, nothing in Hell with the terrain similar to the Qliphoth.

Vergil: May thy branches rise again...

*Vergil unsheathes his Yamato 

Vergil: And bring a new order.

*Vergil stabs the Yamato into the ground. The ground begins to shake as a portal forms above in the sky.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora