Chapter 39 - Meeting by chance

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Lena sat in her office, thinking about the kiss she had shared with Hermione a day before. Of course, the younger witch was now avoiding her as best as she could. Understandable, she thought, as Hermione wanted to be loyal to her wife. Even then though, Hermione couldn't help but sometimes check Lena out. Lena was, after all, a gorgeous woman. 
She knew this about herself very well. She had always been a hit with both genders, but her main focus had always been the pretty ladies around her. In her life she had seduced many women, too many to count on two hands. Most of them had been single like Hermione had been, when they first got together, but she also had her fair share of married women. 
She remembered the woman she had seduced before her own wedding, or the woman that had run the gym she went to back then, within three weeks, that very same woman had clung to her in bed, not wanting to ever let her go. She had enough charm to get almost everyone on her side and she thought, and hoped, that this would also apply to Hermione. 

But then again, Hermione was special. At least to her she was. 

She was ripped away from her thoughts by a knock on her office door. She loudly said, that the person outside could now come in. In came a woman of whose name she was already aware of, but hadn't seen in person up until now. Luna Lovegood, the dreamy blonde woman, the one who had made Bellatrix' head spin in the past and who now took a seat in front of Lena. 

"Good morning, Miss Lovegood, it's great you found time for this meeting.", Lena said as she leaned back in her seat. 

"It wasn't easy, but I was able to push away a few meetings here and there", Luna said and smiled, "this one here was really important to me, personally especially.", she admitted. 

"So I heard. You want to buy a house in London, one that, as of now, belongs to the Ministry. We, or shall I say, I know, that it is up for sale, and you were the first who was willing to pay for it", Lena said and smiled at the gorgeous woman in front of her, "as you know, this is quite my expertise, so I would be more than happy to show you the house, as is normal procedure for any sale this big."

"That'd be lovely.", Luna said. 

The two women looked into each others eyes and there was a moment in which they both realized, that this was the start of something new. 

And while those two women talked about the house, Bellatrix was standing in front of her mirror, trying out her newly bought dress. Hermione approached her from behind and wrapped her arms around her, gently kissing Bellatrix' shoulder as she did so. 

"Mmm, that dress suits you", Hermione said, "it was worth the money."

"Oh, that it was", Bellatrix smiled while looking at Hermione in the mirror, "by the way, there's something I've been meaning to ask you, Hermione.", she then said. 

"And what is that?", Hermione asked. 

"You'll have to wait... I'll tell you later", she turned around and kissed her wife, "hands off the goods, Mrs. Black", she giggled as Hermione's hands made her way to her butt, grabbing it, while pulling her closer to her, "you'll have to wait for now." 

"Always a waiting game with you.", Hermione said. 

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