Chapter 27 - Sister

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"I choose Bellatrix.", Hermione said after she had seen all the different timelines. She had been happy in many timelines, she had loved in many, but never had she felt such a strong connection to anyone, as she had felt to Bellatrix in the timeline she was in right now. She got up from the chair, she looked around. There was no one in the room besides her. 

So she went to the door, she opened it, and she set foot on the floor that would lead her to the big hall, in which, as she guessed, the final battle between Bellatrix and Narcissa was happening. Hermione closed her eyes. She took deep breaths. She didn't want to hurt Narcissa, but if that was the only way to save Bellatrix... she would have to. 

Hermione ran towards the door that led into that hall. 

Meanwhile in the hall

"Why does it have to be this way?", lamented Narcissa. "Why out of all people..."

"I don't know, Narcissa, I don't know.", said Bellatrix. Her hands laid on her sisters shoulders. Their lips were merely inches apart. Narcissa kissed Bellatrix again. And again she could feel her sisters soft lips, her hot breath on her. She didn't want this, but she knew, that there was only one way, to ever stop her sister. 

"This can never end well", said Narcissa, "not for any of us."

"Narcissa, please...", Bellatrix looked to her wand which wasn't far away from her. Maybe she could get it. All she had to do, was to distract her sister. Her wand was so near, that she would be able to grab it, if Narcissa would just be distracted. One moment was perhaps all she needed. "Narcissa, I love you.", she said, grabbed her face with both of her hands and brought it down in order to kiss her. Their lips met again. Narcissa let out a small moan. She caressed Bellatrix's cheeks, while the later was looking to the right side. Her wand was there. It was within reach now. 

And then - finally she had reached her wand. 

I am sorry Narcissa, Bellatrix thought, as she aimed at her sister, while the latter was kissing her passionately. So sorry

Stupor, was the spell that Bellatrix fired, and it hit her sister right in the chest. Narcissa gasped, she widened her eyes and then fell over to Bellatrix's right side. Bellatrix looked at her. She couldn't tell what Narcissa felt right now, but she assumed that it was the sense of betrayal that was going through her. 

Then Hermione entered the hall. 

"Bellatrix...", she looked at her lover, and she then also saw her wife laying on the floor - not able to move or even speak. "What... what happened?", she asked. 

"She attacked me", answered Bellatrix, "she tried to kill me."

"She wants to keep you away from me", replied Hermione, "seems like the entire world wants that."

"Hermione it should've never gotten this far", lamented Bellatrix, "never, ever."

"We can still change it", Hermione walked towards Bellatrix, grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes, "we can use the mirror, we can turn back everything to how it was, while still having our memories."

"I don't know if it could ever work", Bellatrix stared back into her lover's eyes, "Hermione, if this doesn't work, we will never be together again."

"We will die soon. And I'm too selfish to allow you to die.", admitted Hermione, she pointed at a window in the hall. They saw fire on the outside of the building, they heard the screams of hurt witches and wizards and they also heard explosions. 

"Just promise that you won't forget me.", said Bellatrix. 

"I promise.", and with that, the two of them went to the mirror, which was the only thing that would allow them to turn back time itself. 

To you, 30 years from nowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon