Chapter 22 - New rule

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A month had passed. The Wizard Government, completely outgunned and outmatched by the secrets that Bellatrix and Hermione now had control over, disbanded and surrendered to the two women. The prisoners they had freed, were now their private army, all ready to do whatever Bellatrix or Hermione told them. And now, Bellatrix was the de facto ruler of the Wizard community in the UK. She was in her new bureau, it was a big one. Paintings of former prime ministers and ministers were hanging on the wall. She was sitting on a chair in front of a giant wooden table, old and carefully carved. Bellatrix now had changed her wardrobe. 

She now wore a simple black suit, black high heels, and instead of using her signature black lipstick, she now used a modest red one. She was the ruler, she thought, and she had to act like one as well. Her new home was a giant mansion, located nearby London, in a residence that was private and tightly guarded by her new bodyguards. Bellatrix sat on a chair, her legs were crossed and she was leaning back. She looked forward to the door, waiting for the visitor to arrive. And the visitor arrived. It was Hermione. 

Hermione was now, after Bellatrix had declared herself as the "President" during the last month, the "Vice President" and the "presidential assistant" as well. It was a careful way of keeping her out of harm's danger. Nobody knew, that Hermione had assisted in her coup. All people knew, was that Bellatrix had overthrown the government and chosen Hermione to be the Vice President. In the minds of many, the reason for that was to show the public, that she would treat muggleborns the same way she would treat purebloods and half-bloods. 

"Ms. President", Hermione said, she was wearing a simple grey one piece suit, she had tied her hair to a simple ponytail, "we have defeated the rest of the resistance. They have surrendered now.", she read from a paper she held with both of her hands. 

"President", Bellatrix laughed, "don't be so formal, Hermione.", she said. 

Hermione looked around and after seeing nobody there, she quickly closed the door. 

"All right then, Bellatrix", Hermione smiled, "so far it's been good. Relationships with other countries are stable, nothing to worry about.", she further read from the paper in her hands. 

"Good, good.", Bellatrix said in a calm voice. "So, how do you like your new job?", she then asked. 

"It's different", Hermione smiled, "I never thought, that I'd be Vice President at 23. But I think I've been doing a good job so far.", she said. 

"Indeed you did", Bellatrix looked at her, "and how does your wife like her new job?", she asked. 

"Oh Narcissa is happy about being head of the Intelligence Unit", answered Hermione, "it's going great between us, right now.", she added. 

"And about us?", Bellatrix got up and walked over to Hermione. "Does she know?", she asked. 

"She knows that I love both of you", answered Hermione, "and she also knows, that you two both make me happy, so she is mostly okay with us being a thing.", she said. Bellatrix kissed her. 

"But I guess there's a catch.", mused Bellatrix. 

"Yes, she said she's only okay with it, if it happens during business time. In private, we can't be a thing.", replied Hermione. 

"Oh well, guess I have to make love to you in break times.", said Bellatrix. 

"And what about Luna?", asked Hermione. 

"Luna's a free spirit", said Bellatrix, "she and I, we both have partners and still are together.", she smiled. "Luna's fallen a bit for our new secretary Gina.", revealed Bellatrix. 

"Good.", Hermione nodded. "By the way, you have a meeting now.", she looked at her armband watch. "Yeah, she should be outside. I guess I'll go outside, and let her in.", she said. 

"That's fine.", Bellatrix blew her a kiss. "See you later.", she added. With that, Hermione left the room and let a person inside, that Bellatrix had grown to know very wall over the past month. 

"Hello Lisa.", said Bellatrix. 

"Good morning, Ms. President.", Lisa, the former prison guard, who was now serving as the Chief of Military, saluted. She wore a military uniform, one that showed her tall and muscular body. 

"Good morning to you too", Bellatrix leaned back to the table, "you know why I made you the Chief of Military, right?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Because of my skills, Ms. President.", said Lisa in a stern voice. 

"There's that", Bellatrix mustered her, "but it's also because I like to keep former enemies close.", she added. 

"Ms. President, I would never betray you", Lisa clenched her fists, "not after all you did for our country, for our people!"

"Yes, yes, I guess I am great.", Bellatrix giggled. 

"You are.", Lisa came a few steps closer. 

"You do remember what happened at the prison, don't you?", asked Bellatrix. 

"I...", Lisa for the first time, lost her composure. Her face turned red. 

"So you do", Bellatrix laughed, "how often did you make me sleep with you?", she asked. "How many times, did you have control over me?", she walked up to Lisa. She had to look up to her, as Lisa, with her 6'2 was much taller than she was. 

"I am sorry for that.", replied Lisa and she hung her head in shame. 

"Just serve me now", replied Bellatrix, "you will do whatever I tell you to, and what I say, is your command.", she said in a cold voice. 

"Yes, Ms. President.", said Lisa. 

"Now kiss me.", said Bellatrix. 

"What?", asked Lisa. 

"Do what I tell you to", replied Bellatrix, "because now, I control you.", she said. 

Lisa nodded. She then did as told. She leaned forward and kissed Bellatrix. For the first time, Bellatrix enjoyed kissing Lisa. Perhaps it was, because the latter wasn't in control now, and because she was now the one who controlled what would happen. Still, Lisa had that dominant behavior, that Bellatrix sometimes missed in both Luna and Hermione. Lisa grabbed her so tightly, she pressed her so hard against her, and she let her big hands ran over Bellatrix's body, as she pressed her against the table. Bellatrix wrapped her legs around her waist, pressing herself tighter against Lisa, as the latter leaned over her, caressing her breasts. 

Bellatrix moaned, she let her hands run through Lisa's short hair, tugging it slightly, as the tall woman, with her strong, muscular hands, grabbed her face and kissed her as deeply as was possible, her tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. Bellatrix thought she had just come, she was out of breath and thought she would soon have sex with Lisa if she didn't end it now. 

Bellatrix finally broke the kiss off

"Good little soldier", she murmured, "follow your boss's orders, will you?", she asked. 

"Yes, oh yes.", answered Lisa. 

"Good, then get the fuck out of here, and do your job.", replied Bellatrix. Lisa nodded, saluted and then quickly left Bellatrix's new office. "Being a president sure has its perks.", mused Bellatrix. 

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