Chapter 26 - Battle

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The sirenes rang louder than they had ever before. Narcissa looked up. She got up from the chair she was sitting on, slightly nervous and anxious at the same time. Now the time was here, she thought, now it was time to enter the final battle. She knew what would happen, and she knew that there was nothing she could do, to avoid this. And so she got out of her office. Her wand was ready. She turned her mind into steel, she send all her feelings of regret into the wind, knowing that they would do nothing but hinder her, in what was about to come. 

Of course, her soldiers held out quite well. But they weren't able to hold off her sister. Bellatrix, the once most feared death eater, the women who had send entire units into a frenzy, was now fighting her way through hundreds of people, until she was standing right in front of Narcissa. She breathed heavily, her black beautiful hair was an even bigger mess than usual. Everything about her said one thing: she was ready. And so was Narcissa. 

"Sister, I didn't think you'd be here so quickly.", she said coldly. 

"I fight for what I want, and I want her.", replied Bellatrix and she came a step closer. "I give you one chance: let her go, leave us alone and never come back. You hear me? Never." 

"You think I would just leave, and not come back?", Narcissa laughed. "Oh no sister, this has been long overdue. Trust me, I want this."

"Why?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Why?", Narcissa took out her wand. "Do you even have to ask?"

"Yes.", said Bellatrix. 

"Because you took everything away from me. You were always like this, Bella. Every time I had something, you just took it. Everything I wanted? You just had to take it for yourself", angrily she stepped forward, "I had Hermione, I MARRIED her, and then you return and then steal her away from me?", she shouted. "You took her. Again and again.", she hissed. 

"I love her.", Bellatrix replied. "And I don't feel any shame for expressing my love.", she added. 

"I know you do, but so do I.", Narcissa pointed the wand at her sister. 

"You don't even let her choose", Bellatrix said angrily, "you kidnapped her, and you took away her freedom."

"And what if I did?", Narcissa didn't move from where she was standing. "She deserves better than fucking some old hag, some crazy old former death eater. Much better.", she hissed. 

"Shut it.", those were Bellatrix last words before she attacked. Their attacks hit each other, they dodged and they went for and backwards, until the hall they were in, was nothing more than a burnt out room, with its pillars laying broken on the ground. Their wands were broken, their powers exhausted past their limits. And Narcissa, bloodied and bruised crawled over to her sister, she got on top of her, and she put her hands on her neck. 

"It was always you.", she said, her eyes filled with tears. "You were always like this.", she started to choke her sister. Bellatrix opened her eyes and she looked into her sisters eyes. "I hate you, I hate you...", Narcissa sobbed and she choked harder. "I love you.", she finally confessed. "I've always loved you, that's why..." 

"... you wanted to take everything away from me", Bellatrix finished her sentence, "because you weren't able to accept this love." 

"Yes", Narcissa said, "but you can't know, nobody can ever know.", she choked harder, but her sister didn't struggle, her sister didn't resist. Instead Bellatrix softly caressed Narcissa's cheeks. 

"I accept you, sister.", she said softly. "I accept you."

"...", Narcissa continued to cry. 

"I love you.", said Bellatrix. 

Narcissa softened her grip around her sisters throat. 

"I've always loved you.", Bellatrix added. 

And Narcissa kissed Bellatrix. 

To you, 30 years from nowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora