Chapter 10 - Her sister

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Two weeks later, the doorbell rang once more. This time however, Hermione knew exactly who was at the front door. It was Narcissa, Bellatrix's kind sister who they had both invited to stay over with them for a couple of days. Now she had rang the bell. Hermione ran to the door, but made a quick stop to look at herself in the mirror. She was wearing casual clothes, but she still made sure to look good. After all, she wanted to make a good impression on her maybe future sister-in-law. After she thought to herself, that her looks today were good, she walked to the door and opened it. After she opened it, she looked into the face of Narcissa. 

Narcissa Malfoy was a tall woman. She was about 5'10, her hair was blonde, almost white so bright it was. Her face wasn't as round as Bellatrix's face, it was more oval shaped, and her lips weren't nearly as full as her sisters. But she was still nonetheless, a very attractive woman. Her posture reeked of confidence, one that made her stand out and made one either dislike her, intimated or attracted towards her. And Hermione wouldn't admit it to herself now, but for her, it was a combination of the two latter. Narcissa's blue eyes mustered Hermione from her feet to her head and after she was done with that, she gave her a pleasant smile, after Hermione offered her to come inside. 

"Bella, your sister is here!", said Hermione loudly. Right after she had said that, Bellatrix came down the stairs. She too, was wearing casual clothes. She was as attractive as always. Bellatrix came down the stairs and after she had done that, she at first stared at her sister, as if in almost disbelief. 

"Oh my", the two sister hugged each other tightly, Hermione smiled at the reunion between the two, "I haven't seen you for so long.", said Bellatrix. 

"My god you've changed, sister!", exclaimed Narcissa and laughed. 

"I did, yeah", Bellatrix looked at Hermione, "and she helped me change.", she said. 

"Oh my manners, I haven't even introduced myself in a polite way.", Narcissa walked over to Hermione and offered her hand to her. Hermione took her hand with hers. And so they shook hands. Hermione couldn't help but notice how soft and gentle Narcissa's skin felt. "So this is the woman, who made my sister fall in love with her enough to change sides, huh?", she asked. 

"Guess that's me.", replied Hermione. 

"Come Narcissa, I want to show you the guest room", said Bellatrix and walked up the stairs. Only after Bellatrix wasn't around, did Narcissa stop shaking Hermione's hand. She gently withdrew her hand, as if she wanted to stroke her hand by doing that. 

Narcissa then walked up the stairs. Hermione couldn't help but notice, how the two sisters had the same sexy hip swing, the same way of making an entire room theirs by just walking into it. She pushed her thoughts back and smiled, when Bellatrix showed Narcissa the guestroom. 

Bellatrix talked about the guestroom, and then she pointed at the window and told her about the view, and what one could see from up here. While Narcissa's back was pointed at her, Hermione quickly mustered Bellatrix's sister up and down. The latter must have noticed, because while Bellatrix was still talking, Narcissa looked over her shoulder and winked at Hermione. Her face turned red. 

"Bella, I need some sleep now. The flight was exhausting.", said Narcissa and yawned. "I guess we're going to eat dinner this evening, yes?", she asked. 

"Of course", answered Bellatrix, "and yeah, take care of yourself Cissy, take rest. But be awake when it's dinner time."

"You have my word.", said Narcissa and smiled at her sister. They then walked out of the guestroom. Soon Narcissa slept for a few hours. While she did that, the couple went down to the kitchen to prepare and cook tonight's dinner. 

A few hours later, they were all eating dinner at this big table, that Bellatrix had bought years ago. They were laughing and talking, and in general were having a good time. Such a good time, that Hermione was almost able to ignore her attraction towards Bellatrix's younger sister, who subtly looked at her multiple times throughout dinner. 

"So how's Lucius doing?", asked Bellatrix well into the dinner. 

"Oh haven't you noticed", Narcissa raised both of her hands, "no ring finger.", she said. 

"You got a divorce?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Oh yes, I couldn't bear to be around him for much longer. And with Draco out of the house, it was only obvious for me, to divorce him.", she said. 

"Oh well, he wasn't good enough for you anyway.", mused Bellatrix. "You deserve someone better."

"I indeed do.", said Narcissa and while she spoke those words, Hermione felt how Narcissa was slowly rubbing her foot against her leg. She wanted to tell her to stop doing that, but she couldn't, she thought to herself, that it would ruin the evening. 

"Oh that reminds me", Bellatrix got up, "anyone ready for desert?", she asked. 

"Yes.", Hermione and Narcissa said at the same time, which warranted a giggle out of both of them. Bellatrix smiled and then walked back into the kitchen. Once she was in the kitchen, Narcissa put both of her feet on Hermione's lap. 

"I hope you don't mind.", she said quietly. 

"I...", Hermione wanted to say 'do' next, but something in her told her to not turn this evening into a bad memory, so the next word was a simple: "don't."

"Perfect.", Narcissa said in a flirtatious tone. For the rest of the dinner, Narcissa's feet remained on Hermione's lap, as if she was already marking her new territory. 

"So, this dinner made me tired.", Bellatrix yawned, swung her wand and saw the kitchen starting to clean itself. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep now."

"But it's not even 9 PM.", laughed Narcissa. "And I wanted someone to show me the quiet nature around here.", she said in a slightly disappointed tone. 

"Hermione can show you.", suggested Bellatrix. Hermione almost spit out the tea she was drinking. "Can't you, babe?", she had a pleading look in her eyes, one that Hermione could rarely say no to. 

"Oh okay, I will show her a bit of nature.", said Hermione. 

"Splendid!", said Bellatrix happily and then walked up the stairs. Narcissa got up from her chair and only now did she remove her feet from Hermione's lap. She walked up the door, straightened the blouse she was wearing and waved at her sister, who then told them good night, before walking into the bedroom she shared with Hermione. 

Hermione then walked outside with Narcissa. At first everything was normal, they walked with each other like friends, not really good ones, but ones that were still getting introduced. It was going so well, that Hermione for a while, thought that she had imagined the signs that Narcissa had been giving her throughout the evening. But when they returned back to the house, and when Hermione followed Narcissa to the guestroom, the latter turned around and softly took both of Hermione's hands with hers. 

"Thank you for this evening.", she said and she intertwined her fingers with Hermione's. Before Hermione was able to muster any response, Narcissa gently kissed her on the left corner of her mouth, just enough to get a slight taste of her lips. 

Hermione then walked back to Bellatrix, where she soon fell asleep. 

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