Chapter 8 - After the Battle

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Hermione walked across the wasteland that was now a large part of Hogwarts. Currently nobody was there except for her. She had said to her friends, that she would go search for something she had lost in Hogwarts, and that she wanted to be alone for now. Of course, not knowing her true intentions, they hadn't done anything to stop her. Which is why Hermione was now walking across the ruined school. That was until she heard someone. She turned around and her eyes widened with joy, when she saw her. Bellatrix was standing her. The hair was even messier than usual, her face had a couple of bruises, but she was alive. 

"You're alive.", Hermione quickly ran up to her and hugged her. "So glad you're alive.", she said. 

"As am I.", Bellatrix looked at her. "So did everything work out? Is he dead?", she asked. 

"Yes.", answered Hermione and smiled. "He's dead and gone.", she caressed her lovers right cheek. 

"So what now?", asked Bellatrix. 

"We go to wherever we want to go.", answered Hermione. 

"Really? I mean, won't that lead to them searching for me?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Let's just say, that I already took care of this.", replied Hermione. "Besides, all other death eaters are dead now. It's really just us."

"But will we be safe?", asked Bellatrix. 

"If you keep asking question after question and prevent us from going, then no. But if you can stop worrying so much, yes.", answered Hermione. She took her lovers hand. "Come on, let's go already."

"Wait, I'm not so sure.", Bellatrix hesitated. 

"Come on, not now.", Hermione pleaded. "Can't you be unsure later?", she asked. 

"Hermione I still did all those horrible things. I can't just simply escape, they will always try to hunt me down.", Bellatrix was sure about what she said. "You on the other hand - you can still have a normal life.", she added. 

"Normal life is boring without you."

"Better a boring life, but a safe one, than a dangerous exciting one.", replied Bellatrix. 

"Oh shut up", Hermione almost yelled at her, "do you really think, that I spend all those years with you, risked my life again and again, kept quiet and didn't say one word, just so you could tell me to piss off and forget about you?", she angrily raised her hands. "No, I won't, and you can just suck it up. Because deep down, you don't want this either, you don't a life without me.", said Hermione. 

"You are right.", admitted Bellatrix. "So, so right.", she said. 

"So stop with the self pity, and let's go.", suggested Hermione. 

"You really won't let me go, huh?"

"Not now, not ever.", replied Hermione. 

"Okay, you win.", Bellatrix embraced Hermione. "Let's go.", they apparated away from Hogwarts, far away to a place, where Bellatrix had once been in her time as a death eater. It wasn't completely safe and far away, but far enough for them to get some peace for the very least. When Hermione could finally feel the ground below her feet, she looked around, curiously and excited as to where Bellatrix had taken her. 

"So where are we?", asked the younger witch. 

"Somewhere, where the government has no restriction over. So in other words: our new home.", said Bellatrix. "And there", she pointed at a house that stood on a hill, "there we will live, for the next years. Together.", she kissed Hermione. 

"Yes, together.", the couple embraced each other, finally thinking, that they would have peace at last. 

Two years later, in a bar somewhere in London

"I know that you're quite the busy man, and I know, that we were never to use you, unless it's dire.", a frail man with grey hair said, while looking at a shadowy figure that was sitting across the table. "But we need your help.", he added. 

"And why is that?", asked the shadowy figure. 

"Someone manipulated time. No, not someone, Hermione Granger and Bellatrix Lestrange, they endangered our world by treating time as if it were their toy", he said in a stern voice, "for that, they have to be punished."

"Has been two years since they went away. Nobody even tries to hunt Bellatrix down at this point.", replied the shadowy figure. 

"I know, and normally I wouldn't either", he leaned slightly over the table, "but still, manipulating time warrants punishment. And besides, maybe they will do it again and in this case, we'll have to stop them at any cost."

"That implies that I care about time.", responded the shadowy figure in a cold tone. 

"I know you don't", the man took out a sack filled with golden coins, he laid it on the table between them, "but you care about money, don't you?", he asked. There was no answer from the figure, but the frail man took it was a Yes anyway. "Find them and bring them down, and you'll be rewarded even more."

"Consider it done.", the shadowy figure got up from his seat, and he walked out of the shady bar where had been in. The frail man swallowed, fearing what would happen next. 

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