Chapter 13 - New life

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It had been two years ever since Bellatrix had left Hermione. The latter thought that she had left her for another woman, but in truth, the witch had left her to protect her. Hermione though couldn't know, she was never supposed to now. The now 23 year old witch lived together with Narcissa, who for the last two years had been her lover. Hermione was happy. She still missed Bellatrix, and a part of her would always love her, but she was happy with Narcissa, she was happy to be around her and to live with her. 

Although there was still this one thought that didn't stop following her around. What if Bellatrix had lied to her, what if Bellatrix never ran away with another woman? Hermione often wondered about such a thing having occurred, which then led to her feeling guilty. She often felt that way. After all here she was, living together with the woman she had once almost cheated Bellatrix on. Not only living with her, but loving her and being together. She sometimes had trouble looking into the mirror. But then she got over it. It wasn't easy, but she managed to get over it every time she had such thoughts and emotions. 

But those moments became less and less in numbers. As the old saying goes 'time heals all wounds', and time was healing Hermione's wounds for sure. And right now Hermione was finishing cleaning up all plates. Then finally, when it was done, the door opened and Hermione heard the loud and clear voice of Narcissa. 

"Hello Honey, I am home.", said Narcissa, she was wearing a white blouse and a black skirt. She went to Hermione and kissed her on the lips. 

"Hey back.", said Hermione. "How was your day?", she asked. 

"Oh you know, the same as always.", Narcissa yawned. "I'm tired.", she added. 

"Don't get too tired, because I have a surprise for you.", replied Hermione. 

"Oh and what is it?", asked Narcissa and hugged Hermione from behind. 

"You'll see later.", giggled Hermione. 

Meanwhile in another part of the world

A dark haired woman sat at the front table in a bar. She was having drinks and as usual, she had them all by herself. During the past two years it had been like this. She hated being her, and she hated being who she was now, but then she thought, it was really the only way, to keep her ex-girlfriend safe. One thing was clear to her: her girlfriend had probably moved on. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but she had swallowed it nonetheless. Now after she had gulped down her third shot of tequilla, a young woman with blonde hair sat down to the same table. 

She slightly turned her head to muster the woman, and she couldn't help but think, that this woman seemed familiar. She had long, dirty-blonde hair that fell slightly over her shoulders, pale skin just like she herself had, a round face and seemed to have slightly silver eyes. She couldn't help herself looking at the woman, until the latter noticed. When the woman returned her look, she quickly looked down to her empty shot glass. 

"I'd like to have what the pretty lady next to me is having", said the blonde woman, and the barkeeper, before eyeing the dark haired woman for a couple seconds, gave her the exact same drink, the woman then gulped it down, and because she didn't drink all that much, it shook her and she made a grimace that screamed 'I don't like this drink', which the dark haired woman found somehow endearing. "That stuff is hard.", whispered the blonde woman. 

"For a beginner it is.", chimed the dark haired woman in and then turned herself around to face the blonde woman, after the latter looked at her. "You gotta get used to it. The next couple of shots will be less difficult.", said the dark haired woman. 

"Is that so?", the blonde woman raised an eyebrow. "You seem familiar.", she added. 

"Can't be.", replied the dark haired woman. 

"No, no, I've seen you for sure", she put her finger to her chin and thought, "oh yeah right, you're Bellatrix.", she said. 

"Guilty.", replied Bellatrix. 

"You're known as a hero, you know that?", asked the blonde woman. "All I've been told, is: 'oh this Bellatrix was actually a double agent for the Order the whole time'", she giggled, "and then I'm asking myself: 'damn, this entire time?'", she said in an excited tone. 

"Well I wouldn't call myself a hero.", said Bellatrix. 

"What would you call yourself, then?", asked the blonde woman. 

"Lonely.", admitted Bellatrix. 

"Oh yeah, I know that feeling", the woman to whom she talked to, raised her hand, "last year there used to be a ring on my finger, guess where that went.", she said in a slightly frustrated tone. 

"I also used to have someone.", replied Bellatrix. 

"Well, cheers to the ones who ran away.", Luna raised her shot glass. Bellatrix did as well, and gulped down another shot of tequilla. 

"You also seem familiar", Bellatrix mustered her again, "what's your name?", she asked. 

"Luna Lovegood.", answered the younger witch. 

"So Luna, what have you been doing after your divorce, then?", she asked in curiosity. 

"Traveling places, you know. Searching for someone new.", she answered. 

"And? Found your perfect new guy, yet?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Haven't found the perfect guy, and haven't found the perfect girl.", replied Luna. 

"Oh well, maybe you'll find the second best guy or girl.", Bellatrix smiled at her. 

"Oh? Is that a challenge?", asked Luna. 

"Maybe.", Bellatrix took out a bit of her cash and laid it on the table. "You wanna get outside, it's a bit loud here.", she said, even though the music wasn't even that loud. It was a clear invitation for Luna to follow her. One that the blonde haired witch recognized. 

"Yeah, let's go.", she also laid some money on the table. They then together walked out of the bar to a nearby beach. 

"So... do you live here?", asked Luna after a short while of walking on the shore of the beach with Bellatrix. 

"Mhm", she pointed at a small town nearby, "have been living here for two years now."

"Must be peaceful here.", said Luna. 

"It is, but it's also boring.", replied Bellatrix. 

"I guess", Luna nodded, "so excitement is something you want, then?"

"Maybe", Bellatrix said, "although I don't know what I want.", she admitted. "Not right now, anyway." 

"Okay, stand still.", Luna took both of Bellatrix's hands after the latter stood still. "Now close your eyes, and think about nothing, and then when you open them, tell me what you want, like the first thing that comes to your mind. This sometimes helps me.", she said. 

"I guess it's worth a try.", Bellatrix closed her eyes. But she didn't think about anything other than at how warm and soft Luna's hands felt like, how gentle the latter had taken her hands with hers, how nice she smelled. When she opened her eyes, Luna was so close to her, that she could almost feel her warm breath. 

"So, what do you want?", asked Luna. 

Bellatrix didn't answer. Instead she just slightly grabbed Luna's face and leaned in for a kiss. Luna didn't lean forwards, but she didn't step back either. Their lips touched each other, and Bellatrix could taste the tequilla, she could feel Luna's soft lips pressing against hers and when their lips parted, she looked into the woman's silvery eyes. 

"Do you mind, if this is what I want, right now?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Not at all.", replied Luna. 

And so the two women kissed again. This time Luna also leaned forward. 

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