Chapter 23 - Crisis

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Two years had been passed ever since Bellatrix had first taken command of the magical government in the UK. She was still the President, and she would remain so, until Hermione had figured out how to implement a democratic system. Hermione was still married to Narcissa and in fact, her relationship with Bellatrix, while still being strong and passionate, had died down a little. A big part were the responsibilities they both had, another smaller part, was that Hermione found it hard to mix her personal life with her work life. 

For Bellatrix, this had led to frustration. Luna was amazing, but she was often traveling. And while she was traveling around. Bellatrix was stressed out, she was tired, and more importantly, she felt alone. She knew in her mind and in her heart, that only Hermione could ever really make her feel like she belonged to someone, and she knew, that she wanted to marry Hermione, to make her the first lady. 

But Hermione was married. No matter how she looked at it, Hermione was married to Narcissa. They had been for the past 2 years. Bellatrix, who right now was in her office, looked into the mirror. She was now 56, and while yes, she still looked amazing and looked to be barely a day over 45, she still felt older. This job was tiring, this life was tiring. She ran her hands through her black hair. 

"Oh god Bellatrix, what are you doing?", she asked herself. 

"Ms. President, you are talking with yourself.", said her secretary who had just entered her office, to bring her the drink she had ordered. 

"Oh yes, a bad habit of mine, I guess.", Bellatrix smiled at her secretary, took the drink out of her hand and then walked over to her office table. "So, when will Mrs. Black (Hermione had taken Narcissa's surname) appear?", she asked. 

"It will be a while", answered her secretary, "the Vice President's discussion with the foreign diplomats seems to have been prolonged a little bit."

"That's strange", Bellatrix looked at her secretary, "normally such a discussion should be over by now.", Bellatrix suddenly felt concerned. She didn't knew why, but she just did. "Can you please do me a favor, and check if everything is all right, there?", her secretary nodded and left the office. 

"Oh my, oh my", Bellatrix sighed and leaned onto her table, she ran her hands through her hair and waited, until her secretary returned. But this time, the secretary wasn't alone. Lisa, the woman who was commanding the armed forces, was with her. 

"Ma'am, we have a troublesome situation.", said Lisa. 

"And what is that?", asked Bellatrix. 

"It seems as if Hermione Black has just been kidnapped during her conference.", Bellatrix eyes widened with horror as she heard Lisa say that. "We don't know as to where her kidnappers took her, but it seems to still be within the same country.", said Lisa. 

"And what country is that?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Seems to be in Romania.", replied Lisa. 

"Get all our forces ready", commanded Bellatrix, Lisa saluted in agreement, "and hold them on standby. If needed, I'll invade their government today.", added Bellatrix. She then turned around and looked at the picture of Hermione on her table. "Where is Narcissa Black?", asked Bellatrix then. 

Meanwhile in Romania

"I hope you know what you're doing.", said a stern voice to a woman with long blonde hair. The woman nodded, she was sitting on a chair, drinking a glas of water, while looking at the person who had said this to her. 

"Oh trust me, I know exactly what I'm doing.", she replied. 

"Just so I know", the other woman looked at the blonde woman, "why do you do that to your own sister, Narcissa?", she asked. 

"My sister...", Narcissa took another sip. "A long time ago, when I was 16, I had this silly crush on this one girl in our school. Lara was her name. I never dared to ask her out. One day, Bellatrix offered to ask her out for me. So I said yes, sure why not?", she looked at the woman in front of her. "The next day, I caught them making out in that shitty little cabin.", she laughed bitterly. "She always took what I wanted", she said in a bitter tone, "I mean for hell's sake, I'm married to Hermione, and yet she's still banging her. It's like women can't resist her, she gets everyone she wants."

"So that's the reason?", asked the other woman, raising an eyebrow. 

"One of them, yes.", Narcissa got up. "Once Bellatrix is taken care of, Hermione will be all mine.", she said and then looked at the ground. 

"So what's the rest of the plan?", asked the other woman. 

"It's simple really", Narcissa looked at her, "I'll force her to take control of the forces. With that, there'll be trouble within the government. Which can lead to two things; either the military starts to act against her, or..."

"-she is forced to marry that Lisa woman to unify the government and the military.", the other woman laughed. "But what if Hermione finds out?", she asked. 

"I'll make her forget", Narcissa hated herself for saying this, "I can't let her go.", she added. 

One week later in London

Bellatrix was still lost. Hermione hadn't been found yet, and the Wizard Government of Romania had made no attempt of really finding her. She was ready to invade. But she couldn't yet. Oh no, it wasn't time and she knew it. But there was something more... the military. Lisa commanded it well. But no one wanted to go into a war, that could ruin the country. Now Lisa was standing in front of her in her office. 

"Ma'am, there seems to be only one way for us to win this", she suddenly became slightly red in her face, "and I think you know."

"To unify the military and the government through our marriage, heh?", Bellatrix sighed. "Fine, I'll do anything to free Hermione."

And a day later, Bellatrix married Lisa to unify her government. They sealed their marriage with a long, yet unloving kiss. And while she moved in with Lisa, Bellatrix had only one thing on her mind: to free Hermione. 

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