Chapter 34 - Talk

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"Okay, so here we are.", said Hermione and clasped her hands together as she stood in front of Bellatrix and Narcissa who were both sitting on the couch. "We all know why we're here, so let's start this, how do you name this... talk", she put up a smile, "so, who wants to start?"

"Me", Narcissa raised her hand, "and I want to ask why we are even doing this, because I don't think this is a very good idea."

"We are doing this, because there's a lot of tension, tension between all of us.", responded Hermione. "I mean, on one hand, we have Bellatrix who I am married to and on the other hand, we have you who I used to be married to and not only do you still have feelings for me, but you are also in love with Bellatrix.", summarized Hermione. 

"Yeah I agree, we need to discuss this.", said Bellatrix and took a sip from the cup of tea she held in her left hand. 

"So... you both want to discuss this", Narcissa sighed, "okay, then let's discuss this."

"First, we don't judge you, Narcissa.", said Hermione. 

"But how can you not?", asked Narcissa. "I caused so much trouble, I... I kissed my own sister and I betrayed you, Hermione.", she leaned back. "I am horrible."

"Then explain why you kissed me.", Bellatrix responded. 

"Why? I did it because I'm in love with you.", said Narcissa. 

"Are you though? Because it could just be a crush.", mused Bellatrix. 

"It's not just a crush.", replied Narcissa. 

"Narcissa, it just might be. These things happen. Even though they're not accepted, they happen from time to time. And often people confuse having a crush with being in love."

"I am very sure of what I feel.", said Narcissa. 

"I think I agree with her", Hermione said, "actions speak louder than words and if there's one thing I can say, it's that she really is in love with you, Bellatrix."

"I guess I'll have to take your word.", Bellatrix said and crossed her legs. 

"Look, I'm sorry, Bellatrix. Really, really sorry that I did such a horrible thing.", said Narcissa. 

"Wasn't such a horrible kiss.", Bellatrix said and took another sip. Narcissa's face became red, Hermione widened her eyes and looked at Bellatrix. 

"What?", asked Hermione. 

"I said it wasn't a horrible kiss. I mean from all the people I've kissed, Narcissa isn't the best, but she's nowhere the worst. She's probably even among the top 5 if we're honest.", admitted Bellatrix. 

"Then why did you push me away?", asked Narcissa. 

"Because I'm married", answered Bellatrix. 

"I see...", Narcissa said and flushed. 

"So, how do we go from here?", asked Bellatrix and broke the silence in the room by doing so. 

"I don't know. I'm a bit out of ideas, to be honest.", Hermione admitted and sat down herself. "You guys figure it you.", she added and sighed. 

"So... top 5?", Narcissa broke the silence. 

"Maybe, but don't push your luck.", replied Bellatrix. 

"I'm not, I'm just baffled, really.", said Narcissa. 

"So now we're here and all of this has been unresolved so far", Bellatrix summarized, "Narcissa, I don't know what we should do from now on, but I know that something has to happen here, and it has to happen soon."

"I don't know what to do.", admitted Narcissa. 

"Kiss me.", said Bellatrix. "Then you hopefully get it out of your system for once."

"Hermione?", Narcissa looked at her. "Is that... okay?"

"One kiss and only if it ends with that.", Hermione answered. 

Narcissa kissed Bellatrix again. It wasn't a long kiss, it was passionate though. Bellatrix kissed her back, hoping that it would finally end with this for once. After their lips parted, Narcissa still held her face between her hands. 

"So, we're done.", said Bellatrix softly. 

"Yes... we are.", Narcissa nodded. "Thank you", she briefly kissed Bellatrix again, "thanks to all of you.", she said and got up. "Sorry.", she walked out of the apartment, leaving Hermione and Bellatrix a bit baffled. 

"Well... that was something...", Hermione said confused and got up as well. "So, everything okay with you?", she asked her wife. 

"Yeah sure, everything is all right with me.", replied Bellatrix. 

"Okay, then I will be making dinner for us.", said Hermione. 

As Hermione prepared dinner, Bellatrix sat on the couch, touching her lips that had just previously been pressed against those of Narcissa. 

"Madness.", she whispered to herself. 

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