Chapter 12 - You again

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The next day, Hermione walked out of a grocery store in the afternoon. Several hours had passed ever since she had made out with Narcissa, her lover's sister. She still couldn't believe that she had done that, that she had risked it all, just for Narcissa. Sure, Narcissa was attractive, but there was no comparison between Bellatrix and Narcissa. Bellatrix was so sexy, smart and charming, that Hermione almost wanted to slap herself, when she thought on how she nearly had sex with her less attractive sister, who never had the charm, wit or creativity of Bellatrix. She hated herself for having almost done that. But she also knew, that now just telling Bellatrix wouldn't result in anything but a heartbreak. 

So she kept it to herself. And the next few days passed fast. Narcissa never brought up what they had done to Bellatrix, she kept her mouth shut. And she didn't flirt with Hermione either. And until she left, they didn't talk much with each other. Finally Narcissa left and two months after she had left, Hermione had gotten over the guilt she had felt, and was now living as she had done prior with Bellatrix. Today they were at home. It was a rainy day, and they spend most of their time laying in bed, watching TV and doing various other things. 

But their peace was only for a short term. Because after a while, Hermione started to notice something - someone peeking over her shoulders, or more - someone watching over them, observing them from afar, and every time she tried to look for that person, she noticed, how they had already been on their way to somewhere else. It was hard for them. They both knew, that someone was there, but neither of them had any idea on how to really catch that person. And today was supposed to be a normal, rainy and lazy day, but instead, they had that person in the back of their mind. They knew, that the person observing them, didn't do it out of a motive that was beneficial to them. Oh no, that was never the point when it came to such things. 

"I think someone is watching over us.", mused Hermione. 

"I know", Bellatrix slowly sat up, "and I don't like it."

"Me neither", Hermione nervously looked at the window. "Maybe we should try to catch that person, make them tell us, what it is, that they want from us.", she suggested. 

"How are we supposed to do that?", asked Bellatrix. 

"Let's go to a city, so I can see, if they will follow us.", answered Hermione. 

"Alright, I guess that could work.", replied Bellatrix. The two women got up, they dressed themselves and then went to a city. Normally it would've been a nice day for them, but the stress of someone following them, still while in public, dragged their mood down. After a while, they were at a store, Bellatrix then left Hermione for a short while to go the bathroom. One she was in the bathroom however, the door behind disappeared and around her, circled a hooded figure. 

"Bellatrix Lestrange", said the figure, "I know who you are and what you are."

"You do?", Bellatrix took out her wand. "Mind leaving me alone, then?", she asked. 

"Not you", said the figure, "but I haven't come here to kill you, I've come to make a deal with you.", it said. 

"What kind of deal?", asked Bellatrix. 

"One that could save your little girlfriend.", whispered the hooded figure. 

"Save her from what?", asked Bellatrix as she felt fear coming over her. 

"From this.", with a skinny finger, the figure pointed at the wall, which now shoved what happened inside the store. Several people were standing near Hermione, all of them ready to use their wands to fire spells at her. 

"Tell them to piss off.", said Bellatrix angrily. 

"If you come with me, I will.", said the figure. 

"...", Bellatrix thought about what way there was out of this situation, but the truth was, that there was only one way that resulted in Hermione surviving this. "If I come with you, where will you take me?", she asked the figure. 

"Somewhere safe. Of course, I will remove your memories, give you a new life, etc. But I will tell the whole wide world, that you're dead. And she over there will be safe.", answered the figure. 

"I can't do it, I can't leave her.", replied Bellatrix, tears scrolled down her cheeks. She took out her phone and dialed Hermione's number. The latter instantly accepted the phone call. 
"Hermione, I'm leaving you.", she said. 

"What?", asked Hermione. "Come on, this is not a joke you should make.", said the younger witch. 

"It's not a joke", Bellatrix held herself back from crying, "I've found another woman, you don't know her, and you'll never will. All this time you asked yourself, who was following us. It was that woman. We're running away together.", she said in a firm voice. 

"Bellatrix... please.", pleaded Hermione. 

"No, I mean it.", Bellatrix fought back the will to cry. "We are done. Goodbye Granger.", with that she hung up and then turned to the hooded figure. "Happy?", she asked. 

The figure just grinned. 

A week later

Narcissa went to the door. Someone had just rang the ball. She opened it and to her surprise, a young witch with bright brown hair, a pretty face and casual clothes stood in front of her. It was Hermione. Narcissa looked at her in curiosity. What had led her to be here, at this hour?

"Hermione, can I do something for you?", she asked. 

"Bellatrix left me", sniffed the witch, "left me for another woman. Came out of nowhere really.", she said and forced herself to smile. 

"Oh...", Narcissa looked into Hermione's eyes. "Do you want to come in?", she asked. 

"Please.", Hermione nodded. Narcissa let her inside her apartment. 

"So, I guess you want to talk about it.", mused Narcissa and softly laid a hand on Hermione's right shoulder. 

"No.", Hermione grabbed Narcissa's face and smashed her lips against hers. "I don't want to talk about anything", she said after a long kiss, "not anything."

"Hermione, I don't know, if this is the right thing to do.", said Narcissa. 

"Fuck the right thing", Hermione unbuttoned her blouse. "You want me, don't you?", she asked. "Well you can have me. I'm all yours.", she said. Narcissa at first didn't move. "Please.", Hermione almost cried. 

"Hermione...", said Narcissa, as the witch turned around to go to the door. Hermione turned around. 

"What?", asked Hermione. 

Narcissa walked up to her, gently took her chin with her left hand raised her face to face her. 

"You're beautiful.", she answered. They kissed. That night, Hermione tried to forget Bellatrix, she tried to forget about her, by giving into desire, into passion and by letting Narcissa do whatever she wanted to do. 

It was the start of something new. 

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