Chapter 6 - To save you

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An older Bellatrix ran across the field. Tears were streaming down her face. She could remember everything. And she hated herself, she hated herself because she remembered how she had once loved a mudblood, but even more so she hated herself, because she, now that she had seen all those memories again, still continued to love Hermione. Bellatrix knew, that there was only one thing to do: go to the Hall of Prophecies. From her point of view, only a day had passed, ever since Hermione had been thrown into that strange void. But the past had happened, literal years of her secretly being together with Hermione had happened. 

"I must do this.", she said, as she appareted to the Hall of Prophecies. It was once again empty. She walked straight to that room, in which she knew, there were still time turners. There simply had to be time turners. And just as she had wanted, she found one. She found one in an otherwise empty shall. Right next to it, was a crystal ball, one that looked like all the other prophecies that were stored inside this hall. She picked up the ball, as if he had hypnotized her. It whispered to her. 

"And from the love of two women, one of light, one of dark, there shall emerge the choice that will decide the aftermath of the world that arrives after the Dark Lord"

Bellatrix shook her head. She quickly picked up the time turner. And so she used it, she used it to go back in time, to prevent Hermione from ever falling into that void. 

And she turned time, she turned and turned, until she was at that time, where Hermione fell towards that gate, where she fell towards that void. And nobody saw her. Luckily, the mist that had resulted from one spell, made her invisible to those who were there. She saw Hermione, she remembered all those sweet years with her. But she also remembered, what she had to do. She drew her wand, raised it and pointed it at the witch. It was simple, she thought. Just one quick death spell, and the entire thing was over. But she didn't fire a death spell. Instead, she fired a single, dumb disarming spell. Hermione let her wand fly and she herself flew back several meters onto the ground. 

In the past

"Bellatrix", said Hermione softly when she turned around to her lover, now remembering everything and seeing the past and the future, "you should've known, that there is no way for you to prevent this."

"I know", Bellatrix, who now just like Hermione, remembered everything, pulled her into a tight embrace, "I am sorry.", she said in a sad and shaky voice. 

"Don't be.", replied Hermione. "You have me a home, you gave me love for two years."

"But next time we meet, we will be enemies.", cried Bellatrix. "And the Dark Lord will fall, and everything else will too."

"You don't know that.", Hermione said quietly. "You only saw the future up to his death, you didn't saw, what would come after, didn't you?"


"So after the battle is over, you will still be alive, and when you will be alive, I will find you. By then, I should've remembered everything and I should be able to pick you out from the crowd.", Hermione told her in a soothing voice. 

"I hope you do.", replied Bellatrix. 

"Bella", Hermione kissed her and then looked into her eyes, "I will see you again in 30 years." 

With that, the past changed itself, it corrected itself and it threw Hermione back, it destroyed the gate that had brought her to this time, and it wiped out the memories of the younger Bellatrix. Hermione awoke, and when she awoke, the battle had been over. She didn't knew what had happened, but she had a faint memory of a certain woman wearing a black dress. 

And she knew, that she would meet her again in two years. And before she knew what had happened, time flew by so fast. She experienced it all, and yet she was somehow outside of time. She was swimming fast in the river of time. To her destination. To the moment, where she was for the first time in two years, once again alone with Bellatrix in one room. 

To you, 30 years from nowWhere stories live. Discover now