Chapter 11 - Temptation

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The next few days passed without anything much happening. Hermione after 3 days, got almost used to Narcissa's subtle ways of flirting with her. In a way, she almost enjoyed how she got the attention of two beautiful women who were very attracted towards her. The three women were now walking up the hill to the house once more. Bellatrix was leading the way, Hermione was behind her and behind her was Narcissa who enjoyed seeing Hermione walked. 

Bellatrix once she was at the door, found a letter addressed to her. She opened the envelope before Hermione was even able to ask her, and read the letter was inside it. Hermione looked at her lover reading the letter and from the looks of it, the content was quite annoying. Bellatrix turned around to her. 

"Guess who has to go to a hall meeting today.", said Bellatrix and rolled her eyes. "This lucky lady here.", she pointed her thumbs at herself. 

"Oh come on, it's not that bad.", replied Hermione. "You get to meet a lot of people."

"Yeah, but I'd rather hang out with you and Narcissa", Bellatrix slightly pouted. "And the worst thing is, how it is in like an hour. I must have missed the letter.", she said and scratched her head. "You were in one, weren't you?", she looked at Hermione. "How long do they go?, she asked. "Because I was still sleeping over from that hangover when you went to one."

"Like two hours, three tops.", answered Hermione truthfully. Bellatrix groaned. "It's really not that bad.", laughed Hermione. 

"For you it isn't", Bellatrix kissed her on the lips and then went up to Narcissa to hug her, "so I'm going to go now. Bellatrix the former you-know-what going to a hall meeting like a good brave little citizen.", she said in a mocking tone. "See you two gals later, and oh - don't burn down the house.", she said in a firm voice, before breaking out into laughter. 

"We'll take care of everything while you're gone.", said Narcissa and waved at her sister. Hermione's and Narcissa's gaze met. She felt her heart sinking in her chest, felt it beating fast and she realized that she was blushing. "She's really something, isn't she?", asked Narcissa, after Hermione had closed the door behind them. 

"Yeah, she is.", she answered and gave Narcissa an almost sad smile. 

"What's with the long face?", asked Narcissa and laughed. 

"Nothing, I guess I am just a bit tired, that's all.", said Hermione and waved her hand, as if to dismiss the question Narcissa had just asked her. 

"Tired, eh?", Narcissa put her index finger on her chin and seemed to think about something. "Maybe we can do something fun, so you won't fall asleep.", she suggested. 

"And what would that be?", asked Hermione. 

"I could get us some good food, and then we have a little lunch.", answered Narcissa. "Be right back", she winked at Hermione and with that, she had already apparated out of the house. Hermione went to the mirror and looked at herself. Being alone with Narcissa felt so wrong, it felt so weird and yet she kind of wanted to be alone with her. Before she could make sense of her conflicting wants and emotions, Narcissa appeared in the living room. 

"So what's in the bag?", asked Hermione. 

"Eclairs, a french dessert.", said Narcissa and took out a pair of them. She handed Hermione one. "Hope you like it.", she said and was the first to bit into her eclair. After Hemione had seen her do it, she did as well. Warm cream spilled out of her eclair. Perhaps she had bitten too fast into it. She wiped a bit of cream off her face, but she still missed some of it. "You got something there.", said Narcissa. She walked over to Hermione. She gently wiped a bit of cream of the corner of her mouth. However her finger had cream on it as well, cream she then spread over Hermione's lips. 

"Now I have even more.", said Hermione. 

"Wait, let me get that off.", without hesitating, the blonde witch gently grabbed Hermione by the chin and kissed her on the mouth. It wasn't a long kiss, but it wasn't a friendly one, it was one that signaled what she wanted. "Is it gone?", she asked. Hermione couldn't answer. Her head was spinning. On one hand, she hated herself more than anything right now, on the other, she wanted Narcissa to kiss her again. 

"Maybe.", she answered, knowing to what her answer would lead. 

Narcissa grabbed her face again, and again she gave her a quick kiss. Hermione closed her eyes. Narcissa looked at her, there was passion in her eyes. She giggled and then kissed her again. This time she kissed her longer. Their kiss broke off again. Hermione puckered her lips, eagerly awaiting another kiss. Narcissa was happy to give her one. Soon Narcissa opened her mouth and gently slid her tongue into Hermione's mouth, grabbing her by the waist while doing so. Hermione let out a muffled sound. A 'no', that fell on deaf ears. Hermione didn't stop the kiss. 

Narcissa pulled her closer to her. Hermione was shorter than her. Several inches in fact. Soon she was slightly standing on her tip toes. Narcissa's kisses tasted sweet, sweet and delicious. She was a good kisser, as good as Bellatrix, thought Hermione. Soon her wants overcame her ability to think, and Hermione wrapped her arms around Narcissa, still holding the eclair. 

"Mhm.", Hermione moaned while kissing Narcissa. She let her eclair fall onto the ground, and so did Narcissa. Narcissa broke off the kiss, she stared into Hermione's eyes, while her hands were running over her breasts. She started to loosen up Hermione's blouse, one button after the other. Hermione stared back into Narcissa's eyes. After Hermione was standing there, blouse gone and the only thing covering her breasts, a bra, Narcissa picked her up and pressed her against the door, passionately kissing her. "N-no.", Hermione slowly came to her senses. 

Narcissa continued to kiss her. 

"I said no.", Hermione snapped at her. 

"Okay.", Narcissa nodded her head. She let Hermione down, back on her head, and watched as the younger witch grabbed her blouse from the ground and dressed herself again. "Maybe later, then.", she said. 

"There won't be any 'later'.", Hermione said in a firm voice. 

"I always get what I want.", replied Narcissa. "Well anyway, I'm gonna take a nap now, wake me up when Bella gets back.", with those last words, she walked up to the guestroom, where she went to go sleep for two hours. 

Hermione stood there for a while, she touched her lips. She could still taste Narcissa. 

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