Chapter 7.1

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AFTER the whole celebration or what not ended, I dealt with someone before trying to sneakily get away and go to my room-

That is after I unfortunately got caught by Horikita. She essentially forced me to go along with her to find Ayanokouji. Eventually, she decided to call him multiple times in which Ayanokouji didn't pick up while I got myself a lemonade. Soon after, he picked up and both agreed to meet up in the lounge. When we got there, Ayanokouji was there patiently waiting for us as Horikita was angry.

"What do these test results mean? What in the world happened?" 

"Ayanokouji, it's better to answer."

"Shinjiro-kun, I'm talking to you as well. The both of you."

Eh? Wait why am I...?

"Speak." I demanded.

"I don't understand it at all. I have a mountain of questions."

Horikita ordered a drink from an attendant. I started talking.

"I was the one who made us win. I guess with help with Ayanokouji. I made the original plan, he improvised it. He took care of everything internally while I took care of everything externally. At first, I didn't had a plan."

"You didn't?"

"No, I did not." In fact, I wanted Ayanokouji to make his original plan so Class D could win, but some complications happened with a certain someone.

"I had a sensing suspicion that we were going to do something vastly different from a vacation. This was evident from the wording of the announcement for the scenery. They weren't just showing us how beautiful and how pretty the island looked like, they were showing the spot locations and pathways we could use once we got on the island. After the announcement of the exam, it was confirmed."

Katsuragi and Ayanokouji had also noticed this when the ship circled the island at an unusually fast speed. Horikita fell silent. The ship had been traveling nearly three times faster than a usual cruise ship. Besides, if it were just for sightseeing, it wasn't normal to use a strange expression like "significant scenery." Not only that, but the ship would also travel much more slowly so everyone could both have time and see the scenery.

"There's also the cave. I wanted it so that we could both occupy the river and the cave. The reason for this is because there's 2 spots near the cave, the hut and the tower. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get there in time."

Well, I let it go after realizing that we needed to get Class A's leader. Well, I already knew but it'll take some explaining to do if I guessed Yahiko and then say, "it was just intuition." I doubt they'll accept that. So instead, I let the story follow its path.

"Ayanokouji, can you explain the part where we found out Class A's leader?"


Horikita was muttering something under her breath. I'm pretty sure I heard something like "How did they find out the leader...?"

"Wasn't Katsuragi-kun the leader? I suppose he was careless." That's where you're wrong.

"There was that guy, Yahiko, remember? The one with green hair following Katsuragi around? He was the leader. I saw Katsuragi and Yahiko at the cave, but I didn't see the moment they occupied it. After the two of them walked away, I checked if the cave was occupied or not."

Ayanokouji explained the situation. When I saw them, Katsuragi had been standing near the entrance with the card in his hand. Yahiko came out of the cave, and they left together.

"Wouldn't you have mistaken Katsuragi-kun as the leader?" she asked.

"Do you think that the leader would have shown off the card so carelessly in front of people?"

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 3: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now